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1. Of, relating to, or concerned with law: legal papers.
a. Established or recognized by law: a legal right.
b. Authorized by law: the legal owner.
c. Established legally other than by statute, as by a judicial opinion: a legal authority.
3. In conformity with or permitted by law: legal business operations.
4. Recognized or enforced by law rather than by equity.
5. In terms of or created by the law: a legal offense.
6. Applicable to or characteristic of attorneys or their profession.
7. Acceptable or allowable under official rules: a legal forward pass.
1. Slang
a. A person who is legally authorized to live and work in a country.
b. A person or department providing legal assistance.
2. A legal notice, especially an advertisement.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin lēgālis, from lēx, lēg-, law; see leg- in Indo-European roots.]

le′gal·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adv.1.legally - by law; conforming to the law; "we are lawfully wedded now"
2.legally - in a legal manner; "he acted legally"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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[ˈliːgəlɪ] ADV
1. (= from a legal point of view) [obliged, required] → por ley; [entitled] → legalmente, según la ley
legally, the whole issue is a nightmaredesde el punto de vista legal, toda esa cuestión es una pesadilla
this contract is legally bindingel contrato vincula jurídicamente, el contrato implica obligatoriedad jurídica
to be legally responsible for sth/sbser legalmente responsable or el/la responsable legal de algo/algn
2. (= lawfully) → legalmente
their wealth was legally acquiredconsiguieron su riqueza por medios legales or legalmente
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈliːgəli] adv
[act, marry] → légalement
(in the eyes of the law) [responsible, liable] → juridiquement, légalement; [enforceable] → juridiquement
These standards need to be legally enforceable → Ces normes doivent être juridiquement applicables.
legally binding → juridiquement contraignant(e)
to be legally entitled to do sth → être légalement autorisé à faire qch
(by lawyers) to be legally represented (during trial)être représenté par un avocatlegal offence ninfraction f à la loilegal opinion navis m juridiquelegal proceedings nplpoursuites fpl
to start legal proceedings against sb → entamer des poursuites contre qnlegal profession n
the legal profession (= lawyers) → les juristes mfpllegal system nsystème m juridiquelegal tender n
to be legal tender → avoir cours légal
Those coins are no longer legal tender → Ces pièces n'ont plus cours légal.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


adv (= lawfully) transacted, acquire, tradelegal; marriedrechtmäßig; guaranteed, obliged, set downgesetzlich; (= relating to the law) advisejuristisch; indefensiblerechtlich; what’s the position legally?wie ist die Lage rechtlich gesehen?; legally, there was no objectionrechtlich or juristisch (gesehen) gab es keine Einwände; legally speakingvom rechtlichen Standpunkt aus, juristisch gesehen; it’s wrong — legally or morally?es ist nicht richtig — aus rechtlicher oder moralischer Sicht?; legally responsiblevor dem Gesetz verantwortlich; to be legally entitled to somethingeinen Rechtsanspruch auf etw (acc)haben; legally bindingrechtsverbindlich; legally, he can only stay for 3 monthslegal(erweise) kann er nur 3 Monate bleiben; legally validrechtsgültig; this herbicide can still be legally solddieses Herbizid kann immer noch legal gehandelt werden
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈliːgəlɪ] advlegalmente
to be legally binding → essere (legalmente) vincolante
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈliːgəl) adjective
1. lawful; allowed by the law. Is it legal to bring gold watches into the country?; a legal contract.
2. concerned with or used in the law. the legal profession.
ˈlegally adverb
leˈgality (-ˈgӕ-) noun
ˈlegalize, ˈlegalise verb
to make legal or lawful.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
As, for instance, at Athens, after the expulsion of the tyrants, when Clisthenes enrolled many foreigners and city-slaves amongst the tribes; and the doubt with respect to them was, not whether they were citizens or no, but whether they were legally so or not.
"Transportation for life" was the sentence it gave, "And *then* to be fined forty pound." The Jury all cheered, though the Judge said he feared That the phrase was not legally sound.
Do you remember her persisting in her inquiries, until she had forced you to acknowledge that, legally speaking, she and her sister had No Name?
Usurpation may rear its crest in each State, and trample upon the liberties of the people, while the national government could legally do nothing more than behold its encroachments with indignation and regret.
This the director refused, as the matter concerned the London office, which alone could legally deliver the warrant.
Modern man, what of his divorce institution, does the same thing legally. But we had no laws.
But the doctor had been morally (if not legally) taken into her confidence--and, for that reason, he decided that he had a right in this serious matter to satisfy his own mind.
Legally speaking, as well as morally speaking, it absolutely vindicates your husband's innocence.
He therefore whispered in the ear of the justice that he would exceed his authority by committing the girl to Bridewell, as there had been no attempt to break the peace; "for I am afraid, sir," says he, "you cannot legally commit any one to Bridewell only for ill-breeding."
"One day a son may be born, my son, and he will be legally a Karenin; he will not be the heir of my name nor of my property, and however happy we may be in our home life and however many children we may have, there will be no real tie between us.
And, more even than that, whatever the law for its consistency may presume, men and women are, in point of fact, held to be married in Scotland where consent has never been interchanged, and where the parties do not even know that they are legally held to be married persons.
"We know that it is not legally binding, Dolly," said Mr.