
A mating ritual in some species, in which males assemble on the mating ground or lek, where they spar with each other or put on extravagant visual or aural displays (mating 'dances' or gymnastics, plumage displays, vocal challenges, etc.), so a female will select them for mating
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Last week two males and a female Ruff were at NWWT's Cemlyn reserve, though not in full lekking mode.
Simultaneous age-dependent and age-independent sexual selection in the lekking black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix).--J.
Sage-Grouse are a lekking species in which males congregate on communal display grounds (leks) in the spring and females make multiple, lengthy visits to assess males before they mate once and raise young on their own (Johnsgard 1973; Wiley 1973; Gibson 1992, 1996).
Annual counts of "lekking" males is used to build up a picture of the health status of black grouse populations.
During the 1990s, the black grouse population in Wales was declining fast, with numbers of lekking (courting) males diving to just 126 in 1997.
This suggests the possibility that even less successful relatives may profit from lekking with their Don Juan-like cousins.
A total of 45 'lekking' male birds were counted this year, compared to last at the RSPB Geltsdale reserve in Cumbria with the highest numbers on a farm where measures to encourage the bird have been introduced.
Lekking in Gryllotalpa major, the prairie mole cricket (Insecta: Gryllotalpidae).
Perhaps no differences in endoparasite loads were found among lekking sharp-tailed grouse because good health is necessary for them to establish and maintain territories on the lek (Kermott, 1982); that is, males maintaining positions on leks may not be a random sample of males in populations.
Disturbances created by humans, such as roads, drill pads and herbicide treatments, also may serve as lekking sites (Davis et al.