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adj colourhell; a lightish brownein helleres Braun
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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In a little while we noticed a sort of a lightish flush, away off on the horizon.
Its report says:"Their efforts should be placed under regulatory scrutiny - this task is too important to leave entirely to the judgment of commercial entities."This proposed regulation would have a lightish touch but if that didn't work"it may be necessary to impose stricter provisions".
For a fast airplane, the Ultra feels lightish, accelerates well on the runway and once it has gathered itself up in the way Mooneys seem to do, it climbs well.
McGovern's lightish, tenorial tone is well-suited to Debussy's cruel vocal demands which presented him no particular hurdles.
I have tried cleaning them with Stardrops, but a lightish stain remains.
Even with a lightish dab of the accelerator, the 595 lurches forward.
With them, she didn't have to feel that her manila skin and lightish hair were ruined by her wide, knobby nose and the acne that spattered her cheeks like brail.
2011 McWilliams Hayfield Verdelho (PS5.99 instead of PS8.99 until September 3 at Tesco) Verdelho is one of the classic Madeira grapes but this Australian producer has used it to create a lightish (12 per cent) table wine.
I like lightish tackle, and learned long ago that heavy sticks diminish my fishing experience.
It's lightish tackle but with heavy lines and drag settings.
Other Australian hardwoods can become quite lightish, and we certainly didn't want bounced or reflected light.