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tr.v. limned, limn·ing (lĭm′nĭng), limns
1. To describe or depict by painting or drawing.
2. To suffuse or highlight with light or color; illuminate: "There was just enough juice left in Merrill's flashlight to limn the outlines: A round lobe here. Another lobe over there" (Hampton Sides).
3. To describe or portray in words.

[Middle English limnen, to illuminate (a manuscript), probably alteration (influenced by limnour, illustrator) of luminen, from Old French luminer, from Latin lūmināre, to illuminate, adorn, from lūmen, lūmin-, light; see leuk- in Indo-European roots.]

limn′er (lĭm′nər) n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


Archaic. a book illustrator or one who illuminates manuscripts.
See also: Books
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.limner - a painter or drawer of portraitslimner - a painter or drawer of portraits  
painter - an artist who paints
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Primrose tells of it: "My wife and daughters happening to return a visit to neighbour Flamborough's, found that family had lately got their pictures drawn by a limner, who travelled the country, and took likenesses for fifteen shillings a-head.
"Having therefore engaged the limner (for what could I do?) our next deliberation was, to show the superiority of our taste in the attitudes.
Rumour in Cloisterham (Miss Ferdinand will honour me with her attention) was no exception to the great limner's portrait of Rumour elsewhere.
"That is Wat the limner," quoth the landlady, sitting down beside Alleyne, and pointing with the ladle to the sleeping man.
Macaulay is a masterly limner of the external side of life, but he is scarcely conscious of the interior world in which the finer spirits live and work out their destinies.
That includes the jewel-like royal portraits of HENRYVII,HENRYVIIIAND Queen Elizabeth by leading 16th and 17th century limners Hans Holbein and Nicholas Hilliard which were purchased in 1844 for between PS8,8s and PS42 apiece.
Chapters are: instruments of state policy; complexities of decorated royal letters; decoration, format, design, and text; limners, printers and embellishers; James I; Charles I; the interregnum; Charles II; James II.
PTCR materials can be used as self-regulating heaters, current limners, over-current protectors, and resettable fuses [9-13J.
Prior to this time period, there had been mainly two groups of American painters: the limners and the history painters.
Arn describes an intensely personal object, which is both a record of the life of the Duke of Orleans, and a rare insight into the activities of poets, limners and scribes in late medieval manuscript production.
Arn also analyzes the musical notation, and comments on the work of various scribes and limners. She refutes Poirion's claim that the duke did not travel with the book, arguing that the book was eminently portable (96), suggesting that the lack of consistency in the decoration was likely due to the royal patron's apathy (99).