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1. A person employed to install or repair telephone, telegraph, or electric power lines. Also called linesman.
2. A person employed to inspect and repair railroad tracks.
3. Football A player positioned on the line of scrimmage near the ball.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -men
1. (Railways) another name for platelayer
2. (Professions) another name for platelayer
3. (Surveying) a person who does the chaining, taping, or marking of points for a surveyor
4. (Professions) a person who does the chaining, taping, or marking of points for a surveyor
5. Austral and NZ (formerly) the member of a beach life-saving team who controlled the line used to help drowning swimmers and surfers
6. (American Football) American football a member of the row of players who start each down positioned on either side of the line of scrimmage
7. US and Canadian another word for linesman2
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈlaɪn mən)

n., pl. -men.
1. a person who installs or repairs telephone, telegraph, or other wires.
2. one of the players in the defensive line of a football team, as a center, guard, tackle, or end.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.lineman - one of the players on the line of scrimmagelineman - one of the players on the line of scrimmage
snapper, center - (football) the person who plays center on the line of scrimmage and snaps the ball to the quarterback; "the center fumbled the handoff"
end - (football) the person who plays at one end of the line of scrimmage; "the end managed to hold onto the pass"
football player, footballer - an athlete who plays American football
guard - the person who plays that position on a football team; "the left guard was injured on the play"
tackle - the person who plays that position on a football team; "the right tackle is a straight A student"
2.lineman - the surveyor who marks positions with a range pole
surveyor - an engineer who determines the boundaries and elevations of land or structures
3.lineman - a person who installs or repairs electrical or telephone lineslineman - a person who installs or repairs electrical or telephone lines
gaffer - an electrician responsible for lighting on a movie or tv set
skilled worker, skilled workman, trained worker - a worker who has acquired special skills
4.lineman - (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed on the line of scrimmage
American football, American football game - a game played by two teams of 11 players on a rectangular field 100 yards long; teams try to get possession of the ball and advance it across the opponents goal line in a series of (running or passing) plays
position - (in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player; "what position does he play?"
center - (American football) the position of the player on the line of scrimmage who puts the ball in play; "it is a center's responsibility to get the football to the quarterback"
guard - (American football) a position on the line of scrimmage; "guards must be good blockers"
tackle - (American football) a position on the line of scrimmage; "it takes a big man to play tackle"
end - (American football) a position on the line of scrimmage; "no one wanted to play end"
linemen - the football players who line up on the line of scrimmage
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


[ˈlaɪnmən] n
(US) (RAILWAYS)poseur m de rails
(TELECOMMUNICATIONS)ouvrier m des lignes
(AMERICAN FOOTBALL)défenseur m de première ligneline manager n (British)supérieur(e) m/f hiérarchique
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


[ˈlaɪnmən] n (-men (pl)) (Am) (Elec) → guardafili m inv (Rail) → guardalinee m inv (American Football) → attaccante m
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
Beside the road they came upon a lineman eating his lunch.
The lineman, a young fellow, paused in the cracking of a hard-boiled egg to stare up at the couple.
"Oh, it's all right, as long as you don't step on nothin'," the lineman reassured him.
Saxon talked with the lineman, following him about, till one o'clock, when he looked at his watch, said good bye, and returned to his task of putting in a telephone for the latest immigrant from the Azores.
A mile on from the lineman, they stopped where a small creek, fringed with brush, crossed the county road.
Saxon's mind had reverted to all the young lineman had told her, and she completed a sort of general resume of the information.
ABBOTTABAD -- The funeral prayer of late Wapda lineman Sardar Muhammad Saleem who died after falling from High Tension (HT) electricity pole at Nagri Totiyal two days back, were offered in village Malch Galyat on Tuesday.
ATTOCK -- A Lineman of Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) died in line of duty in Injra Afghan village in Jand Sub division of district Attock on early hours of Saturday.
MEHAR -- A team of the HESCO led by SDO Asghar Ali Shaikh and Lineman Zain Sahol visited different areas to remove illegal connections on Wednesday.
BOOKED: The Tatlayali police registered a case against a man for manhandling a lineman of Gepco in village Mahiawala in the Khayali Shahpur Town area.
A Davao-based subsidiary company of the power provider AboitizPower has launched a training program for electrical lineman in order to solve the low number of qualified workers in the power industry in Mindanao.