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adj. lith·er, lith·est
1. Readily bent; supple: lithe birch branches.
2. Marked by effortless grace: a lithe ballet dancer.

[Middle English, from Old English līthe, flexible, mild.]

lithe′ly adv.
lithe′ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Yet he took no notice whatever, merely continuing his pacing, swinging his head from side to side, turning lithely at each end of his cage, with all the air of being bent on some determined purpose.
This shield the valiant son of Zeus wielded masterly, and leaped upon his horse-chariot like the lightning of his father Zeus who holds the aegis, moving lithely. And his charioteer, strong Iolaus, standing upon the car, guided the curved chariot.
There had been something dreadful in the noiseless skill of his cold, white hands, with the fingers lithely twisting about and twining one over another like serpents.
His handmade, hot-enamel "Best Ring" features a round decorative piece with a diamond-studded golden rim and a koi carp that appears to be swimming lithely in the sunshine.
It handles tightly and corners pretty lithely, always seeming to be eager to get to the next bend.
It handles tightly and takes corners pretty lithely, eager to get to the next bend.
Both are lithely chiseled machines, with dynamic performance from behind the wheel and comfortable, thoughtful interior technology and appointments.
** Elle (Paul Verhoeven) After the infamous exploits of "Showgirls" and "Basic Instinct," veteran Dutch provocateur Verhoeven regained arthouse respectability with 2006's drama "Black Book." But this rape-revenge thriller, headlined by the currently peerless Isabelle Huppert, will hopefully return him to the art-trash border that his best work treads so lithely.
The rather wet father is a lithely danced Tim Hill.
Denis Matvienko thrilled the audience with a series of assemblAs in a circle around the stage, moving so quickly and lithely that he finished the turn almost before the audience caught their breath.