

(Military) military slang a lieutenant
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Baba Booey Mickey references an inside joke from the Howard Stern talk radio show, in which Stern's executive producer misremembered the name of the cartoon burro Baba Looey, a caricature of a Mexican American.
Kitchener RE/MAX realtor, Looey Tremblay, has become the first certified #Pickleball teaching professional in Canada.
(he had 19 children), Two-Finger Looey (he had all his fingers), the
"OI' Looey" was a landmark along the Oregon Trail; is the sole tree in the country's smallest stale forest, which was created on its behalf; was featured in National Geographic: and was named for a Pottawatomie Indian leader.
It's a move from 'gooey' to 'looey,' from graphic user interface to linguistic user interface.
And Ooey, Gooey and Looey are characters that are also in that dental program, but they don't look like they do on the Web.
aalii, ail, ailao, aile, al, ala, alae, ale, alee, alii aloe, eel, eely, el, eola, ila, ilia, iliau, L, la, lai, lao, laue, lauia, lay, lea, lee, lei, leo, leu, ley, li, lie, lieu, lo, loa, loe, lolo, looey, looie, louey, louie, loy, lu, luau, luo, lye, oil, oily, ola, ole, olea, oleo, olio, oul, ula, ulae, ule, ulo, ulu, ulua
“While it's an easy game to play, it's still a tough game to master,” said Looey Tremblay, Kitchener resident and recent winner of the Pickleball Association of Ontario Gold Medal in the category of Men's Doubles in the 50-59 age range.
the premiere installment of Disney's "Wonderful World of Color," with Ludwig Von Drake (Paul Frees) and Disney himself (1961); Daws Butler demonstrates how to do Quick Draw Mc Graw and Baba Looey (1975); "Popeye in Giantland" - a rare radio show (1935); Uncle Dunkle and Donnie in "Pete the Pelican"; the conclusion of "Willoughby and the Professor Meet Bartizan the Genie" (1976).
Belize real estate Broker/Owner, Looey Tremblay, of RE/MAX Property Center commented “Low cost fuel in Belize would be wonderful.