


[ˌləʊˈræŋkɪŋ] ADJ (Mil) [official] → de baja graduación
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
In a separate incident, a low-ranking police officer was reported assassinated by militants in front of the Al-Arish police department.
Low-ranking monkeys display as keen a learning capacity as their social superiors when the two groups undergo separate testing, report Christine M.
Lawyer Mounier Mokhtar condemned the arrest of seven low-ranking police officers who were involved in the formation of organisations to advocate for the rights of police officers.
For instance, low-ranking adult chimps regularly clean the hair of their high-status comrades in a practice known as social grooming.
According to a statement released by the Ministry of Interior, a low-ranking police officer mistakenly shot a 12-year old girl Saturday in the Boulaque El-Dakror district while he was chasing a registered criminal.
Compared to low-ranking baboons, the powerful females had shorter periods between births.
A Cairo Criminal Court postponed Saturday the trial of a low-ranking police officer, who is charged with killing a driver in Al-Darb Al-Ahmar district in Cairo, to 9 March.
A low-ranking policeman killed his colleague at Al-Zohor police station in Port Said following an argument amid continued violations by policemen.
General Prosecutor Nabil Sadek ordered Sunday seven policemen from the self-titled "coalition of low-ranking police officers" to be imprisoned for 15 days pending investigations.
Security forces arrested Saturday seven leaders from the self-titled "coalition of low-ranking police officers" before they made an appearance on a private TV channel with host Wael El-Ebrashy, according to media reports.
The dead policemen include low-ranking police officers and three conscripts, state media reported.
SHARM EL-SHEIKH: A low-ranking police officer was injured Wednesday as South Sinai security forces thwarted an attempted armed robbery on Credit Agricole Bank in Sharm El-Sheikh.