
(redirected from malms)
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1. (Geological Science) a soft greyish limestone that crumbles easily
2. (Geological Science) a chalky soil formed from this limestone
3. (Building) an artificial mixture of clay and chalk used to make bricks
[Old English mealm- (in compound words); related to Old Norse malmr ore, Gothic malma sand]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
I am sure that most readers will be familiar with at least some of TMS' long-established range of MALMS photometric testing products.
"The prototype will maintain the high standards set by the existing MALMS product but opens up a potential new market for smaller airports."
The MALMS AGL Cleaner is integrated with the MALMS Mobile system; a trailer-based photometric system, allowing the results from the MALMS photometric test to be shown on an airfield map, which in turns helps the operator identify which lights are unserviceable in accordance with ICAO Annex 14.
TMS's range of AGL photometric testing equipment such as MALMS Mobile and Photometric Bench Tester (both on view at inter airport 2009) have received significant software upgrades including include language options, additional reporting as well as new upgraded ISOCANDELA diagrams for the MALMS Luminaire database.
To minimise runway access time, the MALMS Mobile system can undertake photometric measurements accurately at speeds of 50mph (80km/h).
However, a maintenance team using the MALMS equipment, and supported by members of TMS Photometrics and its Dubai-based partner (Bayanat Airport Engineering and Supplies LLC), were able to rapidly undertake a major differential maintenance exercise that resulted in bringing the runway lighting up to the required performance, and then verifying this for certification.
In Europe, airports such as Amsterdam Schipol, Copenhagen and Athens are regular users of MALMS, while further afield Kuala Lumpur, Sydney, Abu Dhabi and Phoenix Sky Harbor use MALMS to confirm their AGL serviceability levels.