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Related to manners: Table manners


1. A way of doing something or the way in which a thing is done or happens: prepared for the trip in a very organized manner. See Synonyms at method.
2. A way of acting; bearing or behavior: He is known for his reserved manner.
3. manners
a. The socially correct way of acting; etiquette: had trouble mastering manners in his new country.
b. The prevailing customs, social conduct, and norms of a specific society, period, or group, especially as the subject of a literary work: a novel of 18th-century manners.
4. Practice, style, execution, or method in the arts: This fresco is typical of the painter's early manner.
a. Kind; sort: What manner of person is she?
b. Kinds; sorts: saw all manner of people at the mall.
in a manner of speaking
In a way; so to speak.
to the manner born
Accustomed to a position, custom, or lifestyle from or as if from birth.

[Middle English manere, from Old French maniere, from feminine of manier, handmade, skillful, from Vulgar Latin *manuārius, convenient, handy, from Latin, of the hand, from manus, hand; see man- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


pl n
1. social conduct: he has the manners of a pig.
2. a socially acceptable way of behaving
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




  1. As chatty and polite as Rotarians —Richard Ford
  2. Decorously polite as patients in a dentist’s waiting room —Francis King
  3. Evil manners will, like watered grass, grow up very quickly —Plautus

    While bad manners might no longer be looked upon as evil, Plautus’ simile in relation to how any evil spreads remains true.

  4. Had the manners of a disobliging steamroller … and he was rather less particular about his dress than a scarecrow —George Bernard Shaw
  5. His speech sounds like a spoken bread-and-butter note —W. P. Kinsella

    See Also: SPEAKING

  6. Manners are like spices, you can’t make a meal of them but they add a great deal to the meal’s enjoyment —Anon
  7. Manners are like the cipher in arithmetic; they may not be of much value in themselves, but they are capable of adding a great deal to the value of everything else —Anon
  8. Manners … as soft as wool —Lorenz Hart

    This is part of the refrain of a song named “Moon of My Delight” written for Chee-Chee.

  9. Our manners, like our faces, though ever so beautiful must differ in their beauty —Lord Shaftesbury
  10. The pleasure of courtesy is like the pleasure of good dancing —Alain
  11. Polite as pie —F. van Wyck Mason
  12. Politeness is like an air-cushion; there may be nothing to it, but it eases our jolts wonderfully —Samuel Johnson
  13. Rudeness (to Mrs. Dosely) was like dropping a pat of butter on to a hot plate, it slid and melted away —Elizabeth Bowen
  14. Sedate as a judge in court —Rhys Davies
  15. Sit bolt upright and smile without cease like a well-bred dinner guest —Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
  16. To be cordial is like roughing a man’s head to jolly him up, or kissing a child that doesn’t want to be kissed. You are relieved when it’s over —George Santayana
  17. Ungracious as a hog —Tobias Smollett
  18. Ungracious … like a child who opens a birthday gift and barely glances at it before reaching to unwarp the next —Barbara Lazear Ascher
  19. An ungracious man is like a story told at the wrong time —The Holy Bible/Apocrypha
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Manners - social deportmentmanners - social deportment; "he has the manners of a pig"
demeanor, demeanour, deportment, behaviour, conduct, behavior - (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people
plural, plural form - the form of a word that is used to denote more than one
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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سُلُوك chování manerer Manieren τρόποι modales tavat manières manire maniere 行儀 관습 manieren manerer maniery boas maneiras, bons modos манеры hyfs มรรยาท görgü cách cư xử 风度
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
Scottish manners, Scottish dialect, and Scottish characters of note, being those with which the author was most intimately, and familiarly acquainted, were the groundwork upon which he had hitherto relied for giving effect to his narrative.
If her manners have so great an influence on my resentful heart, you may judge how much more strongly they operate on Mr.
A little disconcerted by this reception, Hugh looked from the secretary to Dennis, who had risen and was standing at the table too, observing the stranger by stealth, and seeming to derive the utmost satisfaction from his manners and appearance.
"Good manners?" replied angrily and bitterly the other king: "what then do we run out of the way of?
He was not handsome, and his manners required intimacy to make them pleasing.
The world is blinded by his fortune and consequence, or frightened by his high and imposing manners, and sees him only as he chooses to be seen."
The consequences were easily to be seen in the manners and character of their daughter.
There is something equivocal in all the words in use to express the excellence of manners and social cultivation, because the quantities are fluxional, and the last effect is assumed by the senses as the cause.
Yet his presence, his manners, the warmth of his glances, and above all the touch of his lips upon her hand had acted like a narcotic upon her.
On this supposition, I, in the first place, described this matter, and essayed to represent it in such a manner that to my mind there can be nothing clearer and more intelligible, except what has been recently said regarding God and the soul; for I even expressly supposed that it possessed none of those forms or qualities which are so debated in the schools, nor in general anything the knowledge of which is not so natural to our minds that no one can so much as imagine himself ignorant of it.
To fill up a work with these scraps may, indeed, be considered as a downright cheat on the learned world, who are by such means imposed upon to buy a second time, in fragments and by retail, what they have already in gross, if not in their memories, upon their shelves; and it is still more cruel upon the illiterate, who are drawn in to pay for what is of no manner of use to them.
An account of the Galles, and of the author's reception at the king's tent; Their manner of swearing, and of letting blood.