
(redirected from maquilas)


 (mə-kē′lə, mä-kē′lä)
A maquiladora.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Ate os anos 2000 a forca de trabalho nas maquilas ampliou-se em cerca de 110% (Sargent y Matthews 2003), poucas maquiladoras se espalharam pelo territorio, a maior concentracao permaneceu na regiao de fronteira.
About 36 percent of maquilas that had been established as of August 2016 belong to the auto parts sector, 30 percent to apparel, 12 percent to leather, 8 percent to plastics, and the reminder to other activities, such as textiles, pharmaceutical products and toys.
Though her work with the Coalition for Justice in the Maquilas, Hennessey became curious about the role that structures of feeling play in organized resistance by workers.
David Rodrigo Munoz Barrera, president of Wittmann Battenfeld Maquilas Inc., the El Paso, Texas, subsidiary opened in 2013 to serve customers in the maquiladora region, noted that the company's client base in Mexico skews heavily towards such multinationals, accounting for about 70% of its sales.
Felippo has also pointed out the various tax incentives Paraguay uses to encourage the establishment of export-oriented assembly plants known as maquilas. The strategy was inspired by the approach Mexico uses--within the context of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)--to attract US companies and investors.
En tres anos ha trabajado solo en dos maquilas. La primera la dejo porque tuvo que regresar a su comunidad de origen para resolver problemas familiares.
Inside the gates of the maquilas, the precautions, the analysis and the concerns are hidden from the majority of the Juarenses in the factories - if not forever, then at least for the duration of their shifts, says Blanca Estela Prieto, a supervisor at Portage Electronic Products.