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1. (Mathematics) maths the highest of a set of minimum values
2. (Mathematics) (in game theory, etc) the procedure of choosing the strategy that most benefits the least advantaged member of a group. Compare minimax
[C20: from maxi(mum) + min(imum)]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Steve Bruce has discovered the extent of Allan Saint- Maximin's hamstring injury and has also been dealt a fresh blow on Dwight Gayle.
of time about this I knew wanted to Premier Maximin He said: "I had a lot of time to think about this move.
Mary Magdalene with Martha, Lazarus, Mary Salome, Mary Jacobe and two of the 70 disciples of Christ, Maximin and Sidonius, crossed the Mediterranean and went to Gaul (France).
Fortunately, there are some great options like the Pareto Principle, "maximax" and "maximin" strategies, constraint theory, and an Integrated Priority List (IPL) that both PMs and FMs can use to inform and develop readiness rather than investment recommendations for leaders.
Perhaps these statistics would not be such a shortcoming were the language (of Maximin in particular) not to betray a masculinist optic.
The distinguishing characteristic of the quasi-maximin model is that utility is increasing with the lowest of all agents' payoffs (the maximin property) and the total of all agents' payoffs (the efficiency property) as well as increasing with one's own payoff.
Can the Maximin Principle Serve as a Basis for Climate Change Policy?, GREG BOGNAR
Sydney Maximin, a student at the Martin Luther King Jr.
ON SEPTEMBER 19, 1846, Maximin Giraud and Melanie Calvat were watching cows in a field at the village of La Salette, near Grenoble, France.
Suitable for severe to profound hearing loss, the PHOENIX 313 is a super-power BTE with trimmer controls for high cut filter, low cut filter, and maximin output.