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v. mend·ed, mend·ing, mends
1. To make repairs or restoration to; fix.
2. To reform or correct: mend one's ways.
a. To improve in health or condition: The patient is mending well.
b. To heal: The bone mended in a month.
2. To make repairs or corrections.
1. The act of mending: did a neat mend on the sock.
2. A mended place: You can't tell where the mend is.
mend fences
To improve poor relations, especially in politics: "Whatever thoughts he may have entertained about mending some fences with [them] were banished" (Conor Cruise O'Brien).
on the mend
Improving, especially in health.

[Middle English menden, short for amenden, to amend; see amend.]

mend′a·ble adj.
mend′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Within this framework the insertion of D-A adduct into an epoxy system could combine exceptional mechanical properties with mendable capability.
"Public sector investment, particularly the massive in- frastructure projects, are com- mendable and are part of the condition for the structural transformation of the econo- my, but the challenges are too daunting to be tackled by the government.
The charity's concept requires that all dresses are handmade in a style that is easily mendable and does not include zips and buttons.
The insight is a mendable factor which is in direct correlation to a proper information, the quality of therapeutic relationship, the psychological support and the quality of remission under the treatment.
(For one thing, there wouldn't be nearly enough com- mendable causes to go round.)