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 (mī-ăz′mə, mē-)
n. pl. mi·as·mas or mi·as·ma·ta (-mə-tə)
1. A noxious atmosphere or influence: "The family affection, the family expectations, seemed to permeate the atmosphere ... like a coiling miasma" (Louis Auchincloss).
a. A foul-smelling vapor arising from rotting organic matter, formerly thought to cause disease.
b. A thick vaporous atmosphere or emanation: wreathed in a miasma of cigarette smoke.

[Greek, pollution, stain, from miainein, to pollute.]

mi·as′mal, mi′as·mat′ic (mī′əz-măt′ĭk), mi·as′mic (-mĭk) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.miasmal - filled with vapormiasmal - filled with vapor; "miasmic jungles"; "a vaporous bog"
cloudy - full of or covered with clouds; "cloudy skies"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
However, it becomes clear, soon enough, that not all the beings have left--as there is a bit of blight that continues to spread around the farm, and, according to the narrator there was even "something wrong with the sunlight I saw above that miasmal brink." Something about the alien creature changed the order of the universe itself, as evidenced by changes in the sky, moon and sun (660).
Plowing through more than four hundred pages of his blunderbuss guff has an effect that's frequently nothing short of miasmal.
Harris, "Rising Out of the Miasmal Mists: Marina Carr's Ireland," in The Theatre of Marina Carr: "Before Rules Was Made," ed.
The sunlight changed too, so inexplicably that it's tempting to refer to old theories about miasmal exhalations of the earth.
And Street of No Return is so bleakly down and out that the spirit of Samuel Beckett looms out of the miasmal mist of hopelessness.
This phantasm closely resembles Henri Rousseau's contemporary painting Le Reve with the same dense miasmal foliage, the exotic flora and fauna, even--or especially--the lurking, fierce-eyed jungle cats (but without, of course, Rousseau's surreal touch of a nude woman reclining there on a velvet sofa), an only slightly more sinister ideograph of the painter's intent epater le bourgeois with his mocking primitivism.