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Related to mignon: filet mignon


(ˈmɪnjɒn; French miɲɔ̃)
small and pretty; dainty
[C16: from French, from Old French mignot dainty]
mignonne fem n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Bianchon narrated the following: Another Study of Woman La Grande Breteche Bidault (known as Gigonnet) Gobseck The Vendetta Cesar Birotteau The Firm of Nucingen A Daughter of Eve Bixiou, Jean-Jacques The Purse A Bachelor's Establishment Modeste Mignon Scenes from a Courtesan's Life The Firm of Nucingen The Muse of the Department Cousin Betty The Member for Arcis Beatrix A Man of Business Gaudissart II.
The great limbs of the athlete made the heavy machine spring and quiver with every stroke; while the mignon grey figure with the laughing face, and the golden curls blowing from under the little pink-banded straw hat, simply held firmly to her perch, and let the treadles whirl round beneath her feet.
They are all mounted, and set at defiance those of Captain Mignon. There are voulgiers, cranequiniers and hand couleveiniers *.
Fifth, the results give some indication that food shoppers who purchase filet mignon are more willing to try new experience goods on their own.
Mignon is Italian in origin and filled with a constant yearning to return to her sunny native land.
Democratic Commissioner Mignon Clyburn approved but issued a separate statement,expressing concerns that a repeat of a January 2002 incident regarding a toxic spill from a railway accident could happen.
Fancier and more dining-experienced folk might kick it up a notch and go for a delicious(http://allrecipes.com/recipe/30578/filet-mignon-with-rich-balsamic-glaze/) filet mignon with rich balsamic glaze .
Sponsored by the Peacock Media Group LLC, co-founded by Mahogany Mignon and Dr.
meeting between was attended also by President of the PACE Jean- Claude Mignon. The president appreciated the meeting between
La lutte contre le terrorisme et le blanchiment d'argent ont ete au centre d'un entretien, hier a Alger, entre le ministre de l'Interieur et des Collectivites locales, Daho Ould Kablia, et le president de l'Assemblee parlementaire du Conseil de l'Europe, Jean-Claude Mignon. L'entretien a porte egalement sur la lutte contre la corruption et la traite des etres humains ainsi que la lutte contre un certain nombre de fleaux [beaucoup moins que]qui, aujourd'hui, handicapent le bon fonctionnement de la democratie dans nos Etats respectifs[beaucoup plus grand que], a indique a la presse