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the study or lore of miracles.
the working of wonders or miracles; magie. — thaumaturgist, thaumaturge, thaumaturgus, n. — thaumaturgic, thaumaturgical, adj.
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References in classic literature ?
"And I looked out for miracles, complained that I did not see a miracle which would convince me.
But the playing of Mysteries and Miracles at the church doors had soon to be given up.
And then if we turn to sacred dramas- what miracles they invent in them!
Nearly all hermits and holy men who live apart from the big cities have the reputation of being able to work miracles with the wild things, but all the miracle lies in keeping still, in never making a hasty movement, and, for a long time, at least, in never looking directly at a visitor.
He accepted such things as he accepted the everlasting miracles of the light and of the dark, which were no miracles to him any more than was his wire coat a miracle, or his beating heart, or his thinking brain.
"In the Court of Miracles," replied a fourth spectre, who had accosted them.
The professor declares that these thaumaturgists have acquired such skill in the art which he learned at their feet that they perform their miracles by simply throwing the
"You've accom-plished miracles. You have done precisely what I should have done, only you've done it better.
Certainly if miracles be the command over nature, they appear most in adversity.
"It was not I who did it, it was love, love for Dejah Thoris, a power that would work greater miracles than this you have seen."
We had several of his chromos; one was his "Miraculous Draught of Fishes," where he puts in a miracle of his own -- puts three men into a canoe which wouldn't have held a dog without up- setting.
"Sire," said the comte, "a sort of miracle has changed the whole destiny of Charles II.