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abbreviation for
(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) mother of the chapel


abbreviation for
(Automotive Engineering) Mozambique (international car registration)
[from Portuguese Moçambique]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The MoC contained terms for the promotion of cooperation between the two parties in the fields of development, training, workshops, occupational safety and work environment, investment in human resources, administrative planning, adoption of successful management practices and the use of the latest technologies and mechanisms to measure the yield of training and administrative development.
In the tradition begun in 1965 by his father Ron (who worked as a boot maker at Old Sturbridge Village in the 1950s), Ouellette has no plans to change the way Arrow mocs are produced.
Among the key services AAT offers to the fleet logisticians apply to the Logistics Readiness Centers (LRCs) within the MOCs. LRCs perform the planning and management of fleet logistics and provide the operational concept for sustainment that the commander needs in order to make decisions and exercise authority for maritime forces.
The coalition MOC participants included Canada, Finland, France, Portugal and the United Kingdom (MOC and NATO Maritime Command Component) and U.S.
Like many "modern" sanitariums, the Carville leprosarium was constructed on a plan in which 12 patient dormitory buildings surrounded a nucleus of hospital, dining, and administration buildings, all overseen by a Medical Officer in Charge (MOC) and his staff of physicians, civil servants, and employees from local communities.
The adult Orbit Moc ($110) for men and women has waterproof/breathable Gore-Tex construction, air-cushion midsole, and a flying V-tread giving it bur-season, all-condition capability.
One is unique skills, information operations is a good example, where for NETWARCOM and their federated IO structure that is a capability that all the MOCs ought to be able to tap into.
* Note the lines of demarcation between B2C2WGs, between fleet management and MOC functions, and between MOCs at other commands.
Since the MOC requires hydraulics, it is important for personnel to stay clear of the gun travel area when power is applied.
* Maritime Situational Awareness (MSA)--Develop and examine external MOC MSA processes, collaboration and information sharing requirements between U.S.