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resembling or like the moon
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.moonlike - resembling the moon in shape
circular, round - having a circular shape
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Then, feigning a tiff, he would close his manuscript, and all the ladies with their birdlike voices would beseech him with "Oh, no, Messer Firenzuola, please go on again; it's SO charming!" while, as if by accident, Madonna Selvaggia's moonlike bosom would once more slip out its heavenly silver, perceiving which, Messer Firenzuola would open his manuscript again and proceed with his sweet learning.
It was now so nearly sunset that the chamber had grown duskier than ever; but a mild and moonlike splendor gleamed from within the vase, and rested alike on the four guests and on the doctor's venerable figure.
Here you'll find spectacularly ashy views over the volcanic slopes, a moonlike crater and the glittering Atlantic.
In "Make Your Own Universe," another Coisne piece, a blue spotlight creates an aura around a moonlike disc made of broken glass and resin.
cold, moonlike terrain that is wracked with plague and flecked with dull
A UNESCO biosphere reserve, the island is packed full of intriguing places to explore, not least the remarkable Timanfaya National Park; a volcanic landscape of moonlike craters and surreal rocky formations.
With angelic, masklike faces, and concavities where the backs of their heads should have been, "The Children of the Moon" were delicately posed seated, standing, or in recline, engaged in childish activities (closely observing a scarab beetle, catching a moonlike orb, gathering flowers).
An unexpected word returns again and again in the book: "rage." It's a rage that is bred from his childhood ("When I became of school age and had to conform to a time schedule, it sent me into an inner rage is mirrored in his father's temper ("my poor old pop tearing up the house in an alcohol-fueled rage in the dead of the night"; "all passive anger until he'd break and rage, then return to his beer and moonlike silence"); is vented in his own behavior ("I would use speed and recklessness to communicate my rage and anger"); and poisons his relationships ("I was sliding back toward the chasm where rage, fear, distrust, insecurity and a family-patented misogyny made war with my better angels").
Most commonly they exist in a moonlike way, shining by the reflected moral light of men....
Don where two peaks, moonlike crampons and hike the eponymous landscape once it; anyone fit "Gates of the buried in 700 enough to walk 5 Arctic," loom.
After arriving at Keflavik airport, a bus transported me straight to the Blue Lagoon - an immediately arresting sight with otherworldly blue turquoise waters trickling over the moonlike landscape.
Dilman noted that in many people who are over age 40, hyperadaptosis is characterized by a moonlike appearance to the face and the buildup of visceral fat in the waist.