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n, pl -ceaux (-so)
1. a fragment or morsel
2. (Music, other) a short composition, esp a musical one
[C18: from Old French: morsel]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.morceau - a short literary or musical composition
piece - an artistic or literary composition; "he wrote an interesting piece on Iran"; "the children acted out a comic piece to amuse the guests"
musical composition, opus, piece of music, composition, piece - a musical work that has been created; "the composition is written in four movements"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Taoufik Hazeb, alias Don Bigg, a fait son grand come-back avec un morceau intitule [beaucoup moins que]170kg[beaucoup plus grand que].
Yet to be titled, the first of the two novels is about the complex connections between three women, Elise Morceau, Rebecca Holden and Laura Simmons, shared across decades and continents.
Pierre Henry est connu du grand public francais pour le morceau "Psyche Rock" qui figure dans la suite de danses "Messe pour le temps present" sortie en 1967 et qu'il a composee avec son compatriote Michel Colombier.
Francis Thome: Duo d'Amour; Leon Van Cromphout: Melodie; Alphonse Hasselmans: Rouet; Jean-Theodore Radoux: Meditation; Brahms: Albumblatt; Edmond Weber: Duo pour Cor et Harpe; Frangois-Joseph Fetis: Petit Piece; Saint-Saens: Romance Opus 36; Adolphe Samuel: Morceau de Concours; Brahms: Trio Opus 40 for Horn, Violin, and Piano.
"Sewing the flowers of Heaven" etait le titre du premier morceau chinois de ce concert grandiose qui raconte, sur les rythmes d'une melodie douce et elegante au violon et au hautbois, l'histoire d'un groupe de femmes, du plein coeur de la chine ancienne, qui tissent, avec un devouement remarque et une affection sincere, des fleurs "paradisiaques" sur un tapis pour les presenter a l'humanite en signe d'amour et de compassion.
D'une blancheur eclatante, ce morceau de 6 grammes aisement secable fait briller de mille feux chaque instant the ou cafe.
5," Guilmant's rarely performed "Morceau Symphonique," the premiere of Hudson composer Margery Goldstein's "Winter Symphony," Aaaron Copland's famous "Fanfare for the Common Man," and Richard Strauss' "Der Rosenkavalier Suite."
The Morceau charactristique was more dramatic, in a Slavonic kind of way.
But there are far more elusive threads: le morceau bien peint ("the well-painted bit") of Thomas Couture's anecdotal harlequinades, for example, that once-famous academician's aligning of small passages of paint side by side in strokes so just and true that when examined closely they strike the eye as fractured and oddly abstract bits of pure materiality.