

immobile; lacking movement; fixed
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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[Fortunati ambo] if my poetry has any influence, Time in its passing shall never obliterate your memory, As long as the house of Aeneas dwell by the Capitol's moveless Rock, and the head of the Roman family keeps his power (Aen.
Then, as midnight makes Her giant heart of Memory and Tears Drink the pale drug of silence, and so beat Sleep's heavy measure, they from head to feet Were moveless, looking thro' their dead black years, By vain regret scrawl'd over the blank wall.
made the left shoulder noticeably humped even as he stood moveless and
Throughout this varied and eternal world Soul is the only element: the block That for uncounted ages has remained The moveless pillar of a mountain's weight Is active, living spirit.
He introduces this parameter nominally, as current density in the active zone with moveless fluid when current source with [I.sub.0] = 1 A is connected to EMFM sensor electrodes.
The Leader came by slowly, in a shining car, a little dark man with a comic-opera moustache, erect and standing, moveless and unsmiling, with his hand upraised, palm outward, not in Nazi-wise salute, but straight up in a gesture of blessing such as the Buddha or Messiahs use."
(JAMES sits, and a moveless silence prevails, KELLER'S eyes do not leave him.
In stanza one, the poem's central character "looks" with "moveless hands / And face and gaze" (11.6-7); the vision is seen three times through the lens of three different organs.
it almost seemed that they were poised there in that image of eternity forever--in moveless movement, unsilent silence, spaceless flight" (77).