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or mo·zet·ta  (mō-zĕt′ə, mōt-sĕt′tä)
n. Roman Catholic Church
A short cape, sometimes with a hood, worn over the rochet by the pope or other dignitaries.

[Italian, from Medieval Latin almutia.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(məʊˈzɛtə; Italian motˈtsetta) or


(Roman Catholic Church) RC Church a short hooded cape worn by the pope, cardinals, etc
[C18: from Italian, shortened from almozzetta, from Medieval Latin almutia almuce]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


or mo•zet•ta

(moʊˈzɛt ə, moʊtˈsɛt ə)

n., pl. -zet•tas, -zet•te (-ˈsɛt eɪ)
a short hooded cape that can be buttoned over the breast, worn by the pope, cardinals, and other Roman Catholic dignitaries.
[1765–75; < Italian, aph. variant of almozzetta]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Today the pope's daily dress includes the white cassock and zucchetto (skull cap), as well as a white pellegrino or mozzetta (the short shoulder cape that is also part of the Dominican habit) and a white sash embroidered with his pontifical coat of arms.
In addition, due to both his Jesuit and Ignatian aesthetic, he is known for favoring simpler vestments void of ornamentation, including refusing the traditional papal mozzetta cape upon his election, choosing silver instead of gold for his piscatory ring, and keeping the same pectoral cross he had when he was cardinal (BBC, 2013).
During his first appearance as pontiff on the balcony of Saint Peter's Basilica, he wore a white cassock, not the red, ermine-trimmed mozzetta used by the previous Popes.
In addition, he is known for favoring simpler vestments void of ornamentation, by starting to refuse the traditional papal mozzetta cape upon his election.
The Benedict bear's red mozzetta (the short cape) worn across the shoulders is absent from the Francis.
Francis' decision to omit the papal mozzetta, or cape, from his clerical attire as he first appeared to the crowd in St.
Then there are red mozzetta hoods at 200 euros a pop; three-pointed hats at 100 euros, zucchetto skull caps and special red socks, as well as a fascia or sash at 120 euros.
C., Colussi, C., Adami, R., Serra, C., Mozzetta, C., Parente, V., Fortuni, S., Straino, S., Sampaolesi, M., Di Padova, M., Illi, B., Gallinari, P., Steinkuhler, C., Capogrossi, M.
David Mozzetta, 35, of Cranston, R.I., charged with larceny over $250 and uttering a false check, sentenced to two concurrent terms of 2 years in the House of Correction, with 35 days to be served, balance suspended for 1 year, ordered to pay $4,500 restitution.
More recently, Benedict XVI has reassumed the tradition of Roman pontiffs being draped with a crimson state stole, worn over a red silk mozzetta, to denote universal jurisdiction, a practice that had largely fallen into disuse under his predecessor.
I was not persuaded by the winter datings for the portraits (given that the mozzetta and camauro appear in a number of images), but the relation of the portrait of Leo x to the attempted assassination plot of 1517 (and to the creation of loyal Medicean cardinals) was compelling, even if some of the conclusions about pose, setting and the role of light seem over-blown.
His cream-colored, fur-inner-lined brocade rochet (a priestly liturgical robe) is decorated with patterns in gold thread, and his dark-red velvet mozzetta (an elbow-length cape with a hood) is edged with ermine, as is his camauro, or felt cap.