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n. pl. mudfish or mud·fish·es
See bowfin.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -fish or -fishes
(Animals) any of various fishes, such as the bowfin and cichlids, that live at or frequent the muddy bottoms of rivers, lakes, etc
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"As part of our resiliency program, we need to culture our indigenous fish species so that they will not go extinct," said Valente , citing native ar-aru (climbong perch), gurami (gourami), dalag (mudfish), paltat (catfish) and mosquito fish among others, as already rare compared in the old days when they are always present on the Ilokano table.
Finger-sized fish for making prahok - typically mudfish - are collected in giant nets called dai over two periods of peak activity, each lasting about two weeks ahead of a full moon.
(s) Anchovy, fillet, steamed (without salt); mackerel, grilled (without salt and fat); mudfish, grilled (without salt and fat); sardine, steamed (without salt); tilapia, grilled (without salt and fat); and tuna, grilled (without salt and fat).
En el lenguaje comun este pez es conocido como pez sapo (toadfish), pez sapo del golfo (gulf toadfish), pez perro (dogfish), pez del fango (mudfish), perro de ostras (Oysterdog), o sapo de boca blanca (Collette, Aiken, & Polanco-Fernandez, 2015).
anguillaris is a native of Africa and air breathing catfish which is also known as the mudfish. This species is of importance in commercial fisheries.
I recollect fighting one fish--a 20 odd pound specimen which, when close to the boat, regurgitated a partially digested mudfish fully 12-14 inches long!
Her most recent poems appear or are forthcoming in Connotation Press, Hunger Mountain, Los Angeles Review, Mudfish, Salamander, Sou'wester, and the Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poetry.
Of extremely thin, hollowed-out ivory, this bracelet is highly decorated with a complex repertoire of Benin royal and symbolic motifs, including various groupings of an Oba or king --identified by his mudfish legs--flanked by high-ranking chiefs, warriors or attendants.
Obasohan, "Heavy metals concentrations in the offal, gill, muscle and liver of a freshwater mudfish (Parachanna obscura) from Ogba River, Benin city, Nigeria," African Journal of Biotechnology, vol.
His work has or soon will appear in Barrow Street, Best American Poetry, New American Writing, Lit, Jacket, Columbia Review, Pataphysics, Zeek, Black Clock, Scripsi, Shofar, Mipoesias, Boundary 2, Columbia Review, American, Letters and Commentary, Another Chicago Magazine, Paterson Review, Eoagh, Coconut, Zen Monster, Poetry New York, Mudfish, Tygerburning, Poetry Project Newsletter, Appearances, Bowery Poetry Club, Brooklyn Rail, Voices Israel, Literature around the Globe, Critiphoria, professional Studies, Marsh Hawk Review, and the edited volumes, Tribe of John, Burning Interiors, Reading the Difficulties, The Contemporary Narrative Poem, The New promised Land: Anthology of Contemporary Jewish-American Poetry, and elsewhere.