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or musk′ ox`,

n., pl. -ox•en.
a large bovid, Ovibos moschatus, of arctic regions of North America and Greenland, with shaggy fur and horns that curve downward.
[1735–45; so called from its odor]
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While at Gahcho Kue, she worked as part of the mine's environmental team, helping to collect water samples, seeing muskox on the tundra near the mine, and participating in a variety of monitoring programs.
Through innovative technology and access to some of the most remote and hostile locations on the planet, Hostile Planet captures new behaviours as well as behaviours from new perspectives, including a snow-leopard-and-ibex tumble; a jaguar seizing a giant caiman; barnacle geese chicks base jumping from cliffs; and the first-ever filmed hunt where an Arctic wolf pursued a muskox.
He hurried home, anxious to prepare for a scheduled August muskox adventure in the Northwest Territories.
According to Stantec, "The project includes new chain link fencing, as well as buck and rail fence, intended to prohibit trespass by the local muskox herd.
Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae--a primary cause of severe pneumonia epizootics in the Norwegian muskox (Ovibos moschatus) population.
The visits bring Arctic artifacts, such as muskox horn hammers, bone snow goggles, stone ulus, seal mitts, and kudliks, to Grade 2 classrooms around the Calgary area.
Baby Muskox is all alone on the tundra, lost and very worried.
Terry Gunvordahl's craggy set and Stephanie Bahniuks often-totemic projections evoked a certain northern centre, and various theatrical accoutrements such as two shuffling inuksuit and a cute wooden muskox suggested the north in a sort of low-budget, comic book way.
Available big game on the mainland include Central Canada barren ground caribou, barren ground grizzly, and muskox. Farther north, primarily on huge Victoria Island, the caribou are the smaller Arctic Island caribou.
The map of New Brunswick includes minke whales, Magnetic Hill, Hopewell Rocks and the Shediac Giant Lobster, while the map of Nunavut features the muskox, the Arctic Circle, Dewey Soper Migratory Bird Sanctuary and an inuksuk.
Cover photo of Ross Virginia (right) as he hikes past a muskox skeleton near Russell Glacier, Greenland, 2011 (courtesy of Ross Virginia)
Seasonal changes in weight, condition, and nutrition of free-ranging and captive muskox females.