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(Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing another word for em1
[C20: shortened from mutton]
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References in periodicals archive ?
LVSWWDA's manager for asset development Paul Agwandasaid the agency will be offering the technical support to guide the implementation that will be done by the Kisii county government together with MUT.
"Mut Dey Mut was born around 1922 and was initiated in 1940 as 'renggach' according to the Nuer age-set-system.
'It is on this note that we the forum of MUT, INF and ONI wish to state unequivocally our unflinching support to Governor over his stance on the open grazing prohibition law.
Every year we try to push Madden NFL further than we did the year before and this year with Tom Brady on the cover who has embodied the Longshot story in his career, Frostbite, MUT Squads, new gameplay mechanics and more, we're giving fans the greatest NFL gaming experience ever.
MMA due to MUT gene mutations usually led to severe phenotype, and around 35-40% of cases are due to new mutations [1, 2].
Forty three (5.9%) isolates had one or more missing WT bands while none of them were accompanied by MUT band in the hot spot region (81 base pair region), which is the rifampicin resistance-determining region of the rpoB gene, indicating unknown mutations.
In this work, the scattered electric field produced by both electric and magnetic line sources above a conductor-backed material under test (MUT) is computed via the Sommerfeld integral approach and used to determine a reflection coefficient for the case of a nonplanar incident-field wavefront by maintaining Snell's law of reflection.
The three individuals later returned and started to argue with residents Aykut E[currency]entekin, Mustafa E[currency]entekin, Levent Mut and Mahir Doy-anay.
A play "Bol Mut Bol" was presented on Wednesday night under the aegis of Rawalpindi Arts Council.
A play 'Bol Mut Bol' was presented on Wednesday night under the aegis of Rawalpindi Arts Council.