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(Anatomy) a section of a retinal cone or rod which is sensitive to changes in light intensity
(Anatomy) of or relating to the myoid of a retinal cone or rod


(Anatomy) resembling muscle; composed of or involving muscle
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Adj.1.myoid - resembling muscle
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References in periodicals archive ?
At present, some authors accept adenolipomas, adenohibernoma and myoid hamartomas as variants of hamartoma (2-4).
"Sirtuin 1 (Sirt1): a potential immunohistochemical marker and therapeutic target in soft tissue neoplasms with myoid differentiation." Human Pathol 2013; 44:1125-30.
It was thought to be related to epithelioid sarcoma because of its multifocal presentation on a single limb, often with osseous involvement, and its myoid cytomorphology with keratin-positive spindle cells.
Further classification of MA depends upon differentiation of mesenchymal elements; Homologous tumours are composed of nonspecific spindle shaped sarcomatous cells, whereas heterologous tumours are associated with myoid, chondroid and osteoid differentiation.2,3 Tumours with sarcomatous overgrowth have aggressive clinical course as compared to tumours without sarcomatous growth.2
Immunohistochemical evaluation showed no reactivity for nevomelanocytic or neural markers (S100 protein, HMB 45, Melan A, SOX10, GFAP), epithelial antigens (AE1/3) or EMA, myoid markers (desmin, SMA, myogenin), or specific transcription factors (WT1, ALK, TFE3).
The seminiferous tubules were composed of a myoid cell layer, basement membrane and seminiferous epithelium (Fig.
Spermatogenesis occurs in seminiferous tubules of testis, a unique site that contains three types of cells: male germ cells, Sertoli cells, and myoid cells [6].
However, neither hUCMS nor DE are positive for Ecadherin expression, a protein typical of epithelial cells, or for desmin, a typical marker of myoid cells indicating the induction of a muscle cell phenotype.
A useful panel of IHC for the diagnosis of spindle cell breast lesions includes broad spectrum and basal cytokeratins (to exclude metaplastic carcinoma), CD34 (negative in metaplastic carcinoma and positive in a variety of lesions), S100 (melanoma, neural differentiation, some carcinomas), HMB45 and Melan A (for melanoma), and desmin (for myoid differentiation).
The presence of AR immunostaining in the testis was detected in the Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and peritubular myoid cells (Figure 2(a)).
Recent studies of renal or hepatic AMLs showed myoid and vascular components to be monoclonal and adipose tissue components polyclonal, which meant the tumor had proliferative activity.[4],[5] Multiple AMLs appear to be individual clones, not liver metastases.