
(redirected from Naches)


dialect a feeling of satisfaction or pleasure
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Paths of Glory (1957) and Spartacus (1960) benefited from Kirk Douglas's marketability and industry influence without overtly acknowledging his Jewishness; both films' emphasis on the star's muscularity, Abrams argues, deconstructs the opposition between menschlikayt, a specifically Jewish "'code' of conduct" (10), and goyim naches, competitive Christian manliness, in that Jewish bodies were long considered "unnatural and unsuited to war" (47).
Take Yakima, WA, for instance: Gromo, Naches, Zilla--that last one is worthy of a Japanese movie monster. (TJL); 27291 US Highway 12, Naches, WA 98937 USA (PCF); Biology Department, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322 USA (SDC).
In 2009, a landslide in Nile Valley destroyed parts of Highway 410, triggering flood in the Naches River and destroying houses. 
Naches, the Yiddish world for the feeling of pride we feel when we have successfully tutored another and seen their success, was recently explored in a study of over 1,000 gamers.
Studies were conducted in 2 apple orchards: the USDA research farm situated east of Moxee, Washington, USA (46.5061[degrees]N, 120.1675[degrees]W), and in a commercial orchard located southwest of Naches, Washington, USA (46.7228[degrees]N, 120.7009[degrees]W) in 2012, 2013, and 2014.
There is no broader smile that can be gotten from Judge Schermer than the one that appears when he talks about his grandchildren (naches, (9) if you've ever seen it).
1.4 Washington Banking Market of Yakima--Defined as the Yakima metropolitan area in Yakima County, including Ahtanum, Cowiche, Eschbach, Gleed, Naches, Selah, Summitview, Terrace Heights, Tieton, Union Gap, and Yakima, all of Washington Banner Bank Pre-Consummation 3 269.7 mil.
It is near the towns of Naches and Selah and serves over 1,700 landowners.
Wilridge 2013 Wilridge Vineyard Estate Biodynamic Melange Noir (Naches Heights; $40)