
(redirected from negators)


tr.v. ne·gat·ed, ne·gat·ing, ne·gates
1. To make ineffective or invalid; nullify: a wage increase that was negated by inflation; a goal that was negated by an official's ruling.
2. To make negative: In German, sentences can be negated by using the word "nicht."
3. Computers To perform the machine logic operation NOT gate.

[Latin negāre, negāt-, to deny; see ne in Indo-European roots.]

ne·ga′tor, ne·gat′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Electronics) electronics another name for NOT circuit
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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(70) Ibn Qayyim put his theory into practice, possibly emulating his mentor, and challenged those he described as negators (of the divine attributes) (mu'attila) to the stations of supplication (mawaqif al-ibtihal) in Mecca at the Ka'ba (bayna al-rukn wa-l-maqdm).
While not everyone will agree to certain strategies, these CEOs are able to manage the conflicts in the team and resolve the differences in opinion without making negators left out.
(with Hedvig Skirgard) 2015, Special Negators in the Uralic Languages.--Negation in Uralic Languages, Amsterdam--Philadelphia, 547-599.
Among his topics are the grammar of negation, Old Assyrian and East Semitic, Ugaritic, standard Biblical Hebrew, Phoenician, Qur'an Arabic, Jibbali and modern South Arabian, Tigre and Tigrinya, Amharic and Harari, innovative expressions of negation, other negators and negative asymmetries, and reconstruction.
With these three clauses, used to would, despite its hybridity, is a double root (R-R) combination in which both entities remain modal auxiliaries essentially due to the natural interaction that both elements have with negators not and never.
"Bearing all this in mind, how can there be a productive meeting or any progress toward resolution of the dispute as long as these proven chauvinists and negators of the Macedonian nation and state are in office?" he wonders.
verbal negators), Croft (1991) nastoji rekonstruirati dijakronijske procese kojima su oni nastali te iznosi postavku da su nepravilni nijecni oblici egzistencijalnih predikata povijesno izvor glagolskih negatora.
All at-tempts to relativize and minimize these gains unambiguously put these negators on the other side of the barricades, Georgiev writes.
Results also showed that students were aware of using auxiliaries with the negators, but they failed to mark auxiliaries correctly for person and tense.
Most of those below are gimmicky, eg, inflammable, invaluable, and all of the a-'s: their prefixes are intensifiers or other modifiers that only coincidentally resemble negators. Two pairs that were not synonyms had amusing affinities: Apathetic.
we NEG human-PL be-FREQ-1PST-1PL slave- PL 'We were not human beings, but slaves!' (Klyuchagin 1997: 109) The negators a and avol are in variation in nominal and adjectival predicate constructions, with the adjectival predicate mazij conjugated in the first person singular of the present tense in the way illustrated in table 12.