

not ideal; real
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I should also stress that I offer the following thoughts in the spirit of nonideal political theory.
(1) the original meaning of the constitution itself requires adherence to precedent; (2) although original meaning should prevail over precedent as a matter of ideal theory, there are good and sufficient reasons to adhere to precedent as a matter of nonideal theory during a period of transition from living constitutionalism to originalism; (3) although original meaning is binding as a source of first order reasons, there are good and sufficient second-order reasons to utilize a system that incorporates the doctrine of stare decisis as the mechanism by which original meaning is determined.
where [A.sub.c] is the actual contact area which accounts for the nonideal shape of the tip.
Both culminated in a series of nonideal events, creating clinical evolution permeated by complications which took to an unfavorable outcome, showing quick recidivism of the tumor and few therapeutic possibilities.
Therefore, in this paper, we analyze the EE of the proposed M-MIMO-OFDM model in the nonideal hardware environment by considering the effect of hardware impairments and its degradation.
Therefore, it is necessary to further study the robust recovery method of bistatic MIMO radar in the nonideal systems.
All the signal processing circuits are designed and implemented at 32 nm, a nanometer regime where there are certain constraints with CMOS technology due to sternness of nonideal effects.
However, the nonideal factors of the wireline transmission channel will lead to channel noise and frequency attenuation and significantly reduce the quality of the received signal.
Among these, the nonideal flow analysis distinguishes, because it allows understanding the bulk reactor behavior and thereby to propose more efficient designs [12].