
(redirected from oaters)
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n. Slang
A movie about frontier or cowboy life; a western.

[From the prominence of horses, known for their taste for oats, in such films.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Film) slang another name for Western
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈwɛs tərn)

1. lying toward or situated in the west.
2. directed or proceeding toward the west: a western migration.
3. coming or originating from the west, as a wind.
4. (often cap.) of or pertaining to the West in the U.S.
5. (usu. cap.) Occidental.
6. (usu. cap.) of or pertaining to the non-Communist countries of Europe and the Americas.
7. (cap.) of or pertaining to the Western Church.
8. (often cap.) a story, movie, or radio or television play about the U.S. West of the 19th century.
9. a person or thing from a western region or country.
[before 1050; Middle English, Old English westerne; see west, -ern]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
With an awk awk bum rap, as if we were awk awk lovable awk awk sidekicks, like those awk awk fat guys in awk awk oaters. But enough myth-awk awk -ologizing.
Granted, History has enjoyed considerable success with oaters in this particular window--witness the breakout ratings for "Hatfields & McCoys" in 2012--and one suspects "Texas Rising" could capitalize on a similar dynamic, albeit in a less-ostentatious way.
Those westerns, hardly the good-natured "oaters" many inaccurately remember, were redolent of both nostalgia and finally a kind of psychosis speaking to the particular psychic dynamics born of American Cold-War ideology.
Further down the draw there are more oaters than in pre-renovation Gas Street Basin with Garcia, Madison Keys and Vekic, elbowing aside old stagers like Jie Zheng, Francesca Schiavone and the most venerable of them all - great, great grandmother Kimiko Date-Krumm.
While somewhat long, interest is sustained and net effect is one of the better class oaters of the year.
oaters speeding down the Intracoastal Waterway off Casey Key may do a double take when they spot the three open-air Chinese pavilions with intricate red latticework and bold blue tile roofs--the tallest rising 27 feet above a meandering 48,000-gallon koi pond.
The films, continuing for spring under the banner of "Oaters, Tuners and Weepies":
If you've seen a few cinematic oaters or just about any themvs.- us movie, you know what happens next: Strangers join forces as they take off after the villains, who just happen to be extraterrestrials, but might as well be Russians or Nazis, given their bland back story.
Previous to shooting Gun Crazy he had shot Andre de Toth's Ramrod(1947) and Howard Hawks' Red River (1948), after a decade of filming dozens of oaters. In the 1950s he would become an A-list cinematographer, shooting among many other films, at least five more for Hawks including Rio Bravo (1959) and Hatari!
Along the way he examines early civil war flicks and oaters, the aristocratic and elegant espionage of the 1930s, various narratives of nazis from the 1930s to 2005, the Bond, et.
For those of us who grew up during the golden years of the TV Westerns, as well as newer generations seeing these classic "oaters" for the first time on cable reruns, one of the longest-running programs was The Rifleman, starring Chuck Connors.
In the next article Matthew Turner looks at the long tradition of "poking fun" at the "oaters," while posing other questions not easily answered.