
(redirected from ockers)


(often capital) an uncultivated or boorish Australian
adj, adv
typical of such a person
[C20: of uncertain origin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Hennessey's appointment follows the recent retirement of Thomas Ockers, who served as Good Sam's executive vice president and chief administrative officer.
Rickard J (1998) Lovable larrikins and awful ockers. Journal of Australian Studies 22(56): 78-85.
Craig Ockers, president and CEO of Valley Bank and Trust Co.
"Lovable Larrikins and Awful Ockers." Journal of Australian Studies 56: 78-85.
Kiwis, understandably up in arms by the poaching of Tamou, gloss over the fact there are seven Aussie-born players in their squad, while the English are now getting in on the act with a couple of fair-dinkum Ockers lining up for the Lions in last year's Four Nations.
27 meeting, the panel unanimously approved bids of $123,075 for classroom projection technology and $79,686 for audio enhancement technology by the Ockers Company, and $84,349 for interactive classroom technology by Hub Technical Services LLC.
(3.) On the place of larrikins in literary representations of Australian national identity, see: John Rickard, "Lovable Larrikins and Awful Ockers," Journal of Australian Studies 56 (1998): 78-85.
Many Aussies were embarrassed to be represented internationally as Outback ockers, and the tourism boom partly fueled by the film's release eased their pain only a little.
Fausto Coppi proudly holds the record for the biggest winning margin crossing the line 28 minutes, 27 seconds ahead of Stan Ockers in 1952.