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(Architecture) another name for odeum
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References in classic literature ?
There was the Odeon quite near them, and Philip soon shared his friend's passion for the tragedians of Louis XIV and the sonorous Alexandrine.
Quaint enough, but certainly no instance of anybody's wit, is the account of how a French translation of a play of Vanbrugh--not architect of Blenheim only, but accomplished in many other ways--appeared at the Odeon, in 1862, with all fitting raptures, as a posthumous work of Voltaire recently discovered.
Though he might very well have aspired to the highest judicial positions, he had never really worked for anything but to win a success at the romantic Porte-Saint-Martin, or at the sombre Odeon.
Opened in 1931 as the Paramount, before becoming part of the Odeon chain in 1939, generations of North East folk flocked to the cinema on the city's Pilgrim Street.
On Saturday October 10, Odeon Silverlink will unveil its new look to the public for the first time and to celebrate, all screenings on the day will be available for just [pounds sterling]2.
The Office of Fair Trading has 'opened an investigation' into what it calls 'the anticipated acquisition' by Odeon of the US-owned AMC Cinema at Broadway Plaza, Five Ways.
The 74-year-old site which played host to the Beatles and the Rolling Stones in the 1960s was shut last week and replaced by a 14-screen Odeon in Liverpool One.
Central: Odeon Camden Town, Odeon Kensington, Odeon Panton Street, Odeon Swiss Cottage, Odeon Tottenham Court Road, The Tricycle Cinema, UGC Chelsea, Warner Village Islington
In the words of film historian Allen Eyles: 'Harrogate and Sutton Coldfield are example of the Odeon style at its zenith.'
Just cut out the voucher below and take it to your nearest participating Odeon cinema.
To get your copy, all you have to do is cut out the voucher, right, and take it to your nearest participating Odeon cinema.
Drabinsky also launched the Live Entertainment Division of Cineplex Odeon, which renovated the 1920s Pantages Theatre in Toronto, where The Phantom of the Opera has been running for almost a decade.