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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Odonata - dragonflies and damselfliesOdonata - dragonflies and damselflies    
animal order - the order of animals
class Hexapoda, class Insecta, Hexapoda, Insecta - insects; about five-sixths of all known animal species
odonate - large primitive predatory aquatic insect having two pairs of membranous wings
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It's a testimonial to these animals as superb and successful subjects for a wide array of experimental and theoretical studies, and the book encourages biologists to develop new, innovative and effective ways to expand the use of odonates in this research.
We collected 22 taxa (10 species & 12 taxa identified to genus or family) of invertebrates, including one isopod, 1 decapod, 4 pelecypods, 1 gastropod, 1 leech, 1 annelid, I triclad, 5 dipterans, 2 odonates, 2 coleopterans, 2 hemipterans, and 1 megalopteran.
Unlike most adult odonates which catch flying insect prey, the giant damselflies orient to non-moving prey, e.g.
The importance of oviposition site availability and distribution in molding oviposition behavior has been noted for other odonates (e.g, Bick and Bick, 1965; Bick and Hornuff, 1965).
Odonates (Insecta; Odonata) are sexually reproducing organisms with a larval stage that is spent in aquatic habitats.
Use of species-specific structures to hold or clasp the female (e.g., the spiders Tetragnatha sp., Leucauge spp., and Physocyclus globosus, possibly the tiger beetles Pseudoxychilus spp., the chafer beetles Strigoderma spp.) was also not counted, although studies of some groups (e.g., odonates, Robertson and Paterson 1982; anacostracan crustaceans, Belk 1984) have shown that clasping organs of this sort can induce female responses that are crucial for reproduction.
Yet, lot of faunistic studies have been conducted recording species diversity of adult odonates. It is also important to document that being flying insects, odonates are known to fly long distances in search of food and ideal ecological conditions especially for temperature and humidity preferences.
Adult flycatchers ate mostly heteropterans, flies, and beetles but fed more odonates and beetles to nestlings (Drost et al.
Macroinvertebrates were collected from eight taxonomic groups: one suborder, Zygoptera, and seven families, including the coleopterans Gyrinidae and Hydrophilidae, odonates Aeshnidae and Libellulidae, and hemipterans Belostomatidae, Corixidae, and Notonectidae.
George Pond does not have predatory fish, but does contain predatory salamanders and invertebrates (principally larval odonates).
Werner and McPeek (1994) have proposed that predation by salamanders and larval odonates may exclude Rana catesbeiana from fishless ponds, while Rana tadpoles appear to be well-protected from fish predation by unpalatability (Kruse and Francis 1977).
One case includes damselflies and other Odonates (Waage 1979; Siva-Jothy 1987), where there is mechanical removal of the previous male's sperm by specialized structures on the penis.