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a. Impenetrable by light; neither transparent nor translucent.
b. Not reflecting light; having no luster: an opaque finish.
2. Impenetrable by a form of radiant energy other than visible light: a chemical solution opaque to x-rays.
a. So obscure as to be unintelligible: "opaque, elusive, minimal meanings" (John Simon).
b. Mentally obtuse; dense.
Something that is opaque, especially an opaque pigment used to darken parts of a photographic print or negative.

[Middle English opake, shady, and French opaque, opaque (from Old French, shady), both from Latin opācus.]

o·paque′ly adv.
o·paque′ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adv.1.opaquely - in an opaque manner; "he referred opaquely to her recent past"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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Bread looked at him opaquely. "I wish you well sir; but it's vain wishing now."
Foreign personalities with peculiar reputations land in Nepal openly as well as opaquely. Our top Nepali leaders fly abroad with abandon for pleasure, personal errands and medical treatment.
Some smartphone tools do ask first for your information, if opaquely. Some don't bother.
'Deregulation only worsened oil industry monopoly pricing and allowed oil companies to set prices opaquely with the consent of government that gave up much of its regulatory powers,' according to the group.
PBMs are the prescription drug gatekeepers who operate independently and, unfortunately, opaquely in price negotiations with drug manufacturers.
If you look at the wider African scene, the trend you will see is that of export credit agencies from the developed world colluding with government officials to saddle citizens with expensive dollar loans that are used to fund opaquely procured projects padded with kickbacks and backhanders.The practice of allowing a foreign contractor to perform multiple roles including designing, building and arranging financing for you must stop immediately.
Furthermore, by illustrating how lay-legal disconnects can inadvertently undermine legislative intent and how the language of the law itself can trigger unfair prejudice, the results bear implications for any area of law in which jurors are tasked with applying opaquely defined legal standards.
"There are some tangible benefits to having in- creased Chinese capital flowing to the continent while at the same time it's fair to point out how some Chinese behaviours really degrade and corrode democratic insti- tutions and opaquely burden governments with immense amounts of debt," he says.
"There are some tangible benefits to having increased Chinese capital flowing to the continent while at the same time it's fair to point out how some Chinese behaviours really degrade and corrode democratic institutions and opaquely burden governments with immense amounts of debt," he says.
The psychologist obviously thought so, and took three more pages to conclude that "Fanaticism is the obliteration of differentiality." Slightly less opaquely, an introduction by ENO's artistic director maintained that the production "'exposes the story's patriarchal framework."
A common populist criticism of the EU is that it functions opaquely and often incomprehensibly.