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1. A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof: "The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion" (Elizabeth Drew). See Synonyms at view.
2. A judgment based on special knowledge and given by an expert: a medical opinion.
3. A judgment or estimation of the merit of a person or thing: has a low opinion of braggarts.
4. The prevailing view: public opinion.
5. Law
a. A court's formal, usually written statement explaining its reasons for its decision in a case.
b. An attorney's formal, usually written statement giving an assessment of how the law should be or is likely to be applied in a particular situation.
c. A piece of testimony that is not usually admissible when given by a layperson, as in contrast to an opinion given by an expert witness.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin opīniō, opīniōn-, from opīnārī, to think.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. judgment or belief not founded on certainty or proof
2. the prevailing or popular feeling or view: public opinion.
3. evaluation, impression, or estimation of the value or worth of a person or thing
4. an evaluation or judgment given by an expert: a medical opinion.
5. (Law) the advice given by a barrister or counsel on a case submitted to him or her for a view on the legal points involved
6. a matter of opinion a point open to question
7. be of the opinion that to believe that
[C13: via Old French from Latin opīniō belief, from opīnārī to think; see opine]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(əˈpɪn yən)

1. a belief or judgment based on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
3. the formal expression of a professional judgment: a second medical opinion.
4. the formal statement by a judge or court of the principles used in reaching a decision on a case.
5. a judgment or estimate of a person or thing with respect to character, merit, etc.
6. a favorable estimate; esteem.
[1250–1300; Middle English < Old French < Latin opīniō, derivative of opīnārī to opine]
o•pin′ioned, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


See also ideas.

1. the state of being at variance with established doctrines or beliefs.
2. a heterodox view or belief.
a person fond of his own opinions and of making them known.
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.



See Also: IDEAS

  1. As men grow older, their opinions, like their diseases, grow chronic —Josh Billings

    In Billings’ original dialect: Az men gro older their opinuns like thier diseazes, grow kronick.

  2. Carried and opened this attitude like an umbrella —Delmore Schwartz
  3. Observations … are like children’s cradles … sometimes empty, sometimes full of noisy imbecility, and often lulling to sleep —Sydney Smith

    Smith modestly applied this simile to his own observations.

  4. Of three minds, like a tree in which there are three blackbirds —Wallace Stevens
  5. Opinion gathered like a cloud and danced and then seemed to freeze —H. E. Bates
  6. Opinion is like a pendulum and obeys the same law. If it goes past the center of gravity on one side, it must go a like distance on the other —Arthur Schopenhauer

    Schopenhauer continued his simile like this: “And it is only after a certain time that it finds the true point at which it can remain at rest.”

  7. Opinion polls: polls are like sleeping pills designed to lull the public into sleeping on election day. You might call them “sleeping polls” —Harry S. Truman
  8. Opinions, like showers, are generated in high places, but they invariably descend into lower ones, and ultimately flow down to the people, as rain unto the sea —Charles Caleb Colton
  9. Opinions, like the temperaments, fell rapidly into pre-established categories —Marguerite Yourcenar
  10. Opinions richocheted through the gathering like hyperactive pheromones —Susan Ferraro, New York Times/Hers, Feburary 19, 1987
  11. Opinions stout as oak —Phyllis McGinley
  12. Passed opinions like gas —Rita Mae Brown
  13. Played with our ideas like jacks, pressing our fingertips against their sharp points and round protuberances, testing how many we could scoop up at once —Lynne Sharon Schwartz
  14. Public opinion in this country runs like a shower bath. We have no temperature between hot and cold —Heywood Broun

    Broun’s public opinion simile is amongst the best known witticisms born at the famed Algonquin Round Table.

  15. Sweeping judgments which are so common are meaningless … like men who salute a whole crowd of people in the mass —Michel De Montaigne
  16. The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind —William Blake
  17. The pressure of public opinion is like the pressure of the atmosphere; you can’t see it —but, all the same, it is sixteen pounds to the square inch —James R. Lowell, interview with Julian Hawthorne, New York Times, April 2, 1922
  18. The public buys its opinions as it buys its meat, or takes its milk, on the principle that it is cheaper to do this than to keep a cow. So it is, but the milk is more likely to be watered —Samuel Butler
  19. Tosses off insights like the spray from a speedboat —Anon comment about an author’s work

    Like many such complimentary similes, this one was later featured in an ad for the work thus praised.

  20. To venture an opinion is like moving a piece at chess: it may be taken, but it forms the beginning of a game that is won —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'meaning'

The meaning of a word, expression, or gesture is the thing or idea that it refers to or represents.

The word 'guide' is used with various meanings.
This gesture has the same meaning throughout Italy.

The meaning of what someone says is what they intend to express.

The meaning of his remark was clear.
2. 'intention'

Don't use 'meaning' to refer to what someone intends to do. Don't say, for example, 'His meaning was to leave without paying'. Say 'His intention was to leave without paying'.

Their intention is to finish the work by Friday.
3. 'opinion'

Don't use 'meaning' to refer to what someone thinks about something. Don't say, for example, 'I think he should go. What's your meaning?' You say 'I think he should go. What's your opinion?'

My opinion is that this is completely the wrong thing to do.


Your opinion of something is what you think about it.

We would like to have your opinion.
The students wanted to express their opinions.

When you want to show whose opinion you are giving, you can use an expression such as 'in my opinion', 'in Sarah's opinion', or 'in the opinion of the voters...'.

In my opinion, there are four key problems that have to be addressed.
In Lee's opinion, the protests were 'unnecessary'.
In the opinion of the Court of Appeal the sentence was too severe.

In formal speech or writing, people sometimes say 'It is my opinion that...' or 'It is our opinion that...'.

It is my opinion that high school students should have the vote.

Be Careful!
Don't say 'To my opinion...' or 'According to my opinion...'.

point of view

1. 'point of view'

When you are considering one aspect of a situation, you can say that you are considering it from a particular point of view.

From a practical point of view it is quite easy.
The movie was very successful from a commercial point of view.

A person's point of view is their general attitude to something, or the way they feel about something.

We understand your point of view.
I tried to see things from Frank's point of view.
2. 'view' and 'opinion'

Don't refer to what someone thinks or believes about a particular subject as their 'point of view'. Refer to it as their view or opinion.

Leo's view is that there is not enough evidence.
If you want my honest opinion, I don't think it will work.

View is most commonly used in the plural.

We are happy to listen to your views.
He was sent to jail for his political views.

You talk about someone's opinions or views on or about a subject.

He always asked for her opinions on his work.
I have strong views about education.

You can use expressions such as in my opinion or in his view to show that something is an opinion, and may not be a fact.

He's not doing a very good job in my opinion.
These changes, in his view, would be very damaging.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.opinion - a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certaintyopinion - a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty; "my opinion differs from yours"; "I am not of your persuasion"; "what are your thoughts on Haiti?"
idea - a personal view; "he has an idea that we don't like him"
judgment, judgement, mind - an opinion formed by judging something; "he was reluctant to make his judgment known"; "she changed her mind"
belief - any cognitive content held as true
eyes - opinion or judgment; "in the eyes of the law"; "I was wrong in her eyes"
parti pris, preconceived idea, preconceived notion, preconceived opinion, preconception, prepossession - an opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence; "he did not even try to confirm his preconceptions"
pole - one of two divergent or mutually exclusive opinions; "they are at opposite poles"; "they are poles apart"
political sympathies, politics - the opinion you hold with respect to political questions
2.opinion - a message expressing a belief about somethingopinion - a message expressing a belief about something; the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof; "his opinions appeared frequently on the editorial page"
subject matter, content, message, substance - what a communication that is about something is about
adverse opinion - an opinion concerning financial statements (usually based on an audit by a CPA) that the statements as a whole do not present results fairly or are not in conformity with the generally accepted accounting practices of the United States
speculation, supposition, surmisal, surmise, guess, conjecture, hypothesis - a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
side, position - an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute; "there are two sides to every question"
3.opinion - a belief or sentiment shared by most people; the voice of the people; "he asked for a poll of public opinion"
belief - any cognitive content held as true
4.opinion - the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decisionopinion - the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision; "opinions are usually written by a single judge"
legal document, legal instrument, official document, instrument - (law) a document that states some contractual relationship or grants some right
concurring opinion - an opinion that agrees with the court's disposition of the case but is written to express a particular judge's reasoning
dissenting opinion - an opinion that disagrees with the court's disposition of the case
majority opinion - the opinion joined by a majority of the court (generally known simply as `the opinion')
fatwah - (Islam) a legal opinion or ruling issued by an Islamic scholar; "bin Laden issued three fatwahs calling upon Muslims to take up arms against the United States"
dictum, obiter dictum - an opinion voiced by a judge on a point of law not directly bearing on the case in question and therefore not binding
law, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"
5.opinion - the reason for a court's judgment (as opposed to the decision itself)opinion - the reason for a court's judgment (as opposed to the decision itself)
judicial decision, judgment, judgement - (law) the determination by a court of competent jurisdiction on matters submitted to it
fatwa - a ruling on a point of Islamic law that is given by a recognized authority
law, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"
6.opinion - a vague idea in which some confidence is placed; "his impression of her was favorable"; "what are your feelings about the crisis?"; "it strengthened my belief in his sincerity"; "I had a feeling that she was lying"
idea, thought - the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; "it was not a good idea"; "the thought never entered my mind"
presence - the impression that something is present; "he felt the presence of an evil force"
effect - an impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived); "he just did it for effect"
first blush - at the first glimpse or impression; "at first blush the idea possesses considerable intuitive appeal but on closer examination it fails"
hunch, suspicion, intuition - an impression that something might be the case; "he had an intuition that something had gone wrong"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. belief, feeling, view, idea, theory, notion, conviction, point of view, sentiment, viewpoint, persuasion, conjecture Most who expressed an opinion spoke favourably of him.
2. estimation, view, impression, assessment, judgment, evaluation, conception, appraisal, considered opinion That has improved my already favourable opinion of him.
be of the opinion believe, think, hold, consider, judge, suppose, maintain, imagine, guess (informal, chiefly U.S. & Canad.), reckon, conclude, be convinced, speculate, presume, conjecture, postulate, surmise, be under the impression Frank is of the opinion that there has been a cover-up.
in your opinion in your view, personally, to your mind, as you see it, (according) to your way of thinking He's not making a very good job of it, in my opinion.
matter of opinion debatable point, debatable, open question, open to question, moot point, open for discussion, matter of judgment Whether or not it is a work of art is a matter of opinion.
"There are as many opinions as there are people; each has his own correct way" [Terence Phormio]
"New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common" [John Locke Essay concerning Human Understanding]
"A man can brave opinion, a woman must submit to it" [Mme de Staël Delphine]
"Where an opinion is general, it is usually correct" [Jane Austen Mansfield Park]
"A study of the history of opinion is a necessary preliminary to the emancipation of the mind" [John Maynard Keynes The End of Laissez-Faire]
"They that approve a private opinion, call it opinion; but they that mislike it, heresy; and yet heresy signifies no more than private opinion" [Thomas Hobbes Leviathan]
"Opinion in good men is but knowledge in the making" [John Milton Areopagitica]
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


Something believed or accepted as true by a person:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
تَقْدير، فِكْرَه حَسَنَه عنرأيرَأيٌوُجْهَة نَظَر
álitálit, skoîun
konsiliumasnuomonėtavo nuomone
opiniaopiniowaćwydawać opinię
fikirgörüşprofesyonel görüş ve tavsiyedüşünce
ý kiến


A. N
1. (= belief, view) → opinión f
what's your opinion of him?¿qué opinas de él?¿qué opinión te merece?
what's your opinion of this book?¿qué opinas de este libro?¿qué opinión te merece este libro?
well, that's my opinionpor lo menos eso pienso yo
to ask sb's opinion (on or about sth)pedir a algn su opinión or parecer (sobre or acerca de algo)
when I want your opinion I'll ask for it!¡cuando quiera saber tu opinión, te la pediré!
if you ask my opinion, he's hiding somethingmi opinión es que está ocultando algo
there are differences of opinion as to what happenedhay discordancia or discrepancia de opiniones respecto a lo que pasó
to form an opinion of sth/sbformarse una opinión sobre algo/algn
to have or hold an opinion on or about sthtener una opinión sobre or acerca de algo
many people have very strong opinions about thismucha gente tiene opiniones muy definidas sobre or acerca de esto
she held the opinion thatopinaba que ...
to have a high or good opinion of sth/sbtener un alto concepto de algo/algn, tener muy buena opinión de algo/algn
to have a poor or low opinion of sth/sbtener un bajo concepto de algo/algn, tener muy mala opinión de algo/algn
she has a very low opinion of herselftiene un concepto muy bajo de sí misma
I haven't much of an opinion of himno tengo un alto concepto de élno tengo muy buena opinión de él
in my opinionen mi opinión, a mi juicio
it's a matter of opiniones cuestión de opiniones
to be of the opinion thatopinar que ...
2. (= judgment) → opinión f
we need an expert opinionnecesitamos la opinión de un experto
could you give us your professional opinion?¿nos puede dar su opinión (como) profesional?
to seek a second opinionpedir una segunda opinión
3. (= the prevailing view) → opinión f
he is in a position to influence opinionestá en una posición en la que puede ejercer influencia sobre las opiniones
medical opinion was divided over the casela opinión médica estaba dividida con respecto al caso
they are trying to turn world opinion against the United Statesestán intentando poner al mundo entero en contra de Estados Unidos
see also consensus, public C
B. CPD opinion poll Nsondeo m (de opinión)
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[əˈpɪnjən] nopinion f, avis m
He asked me my opinion → Il m'a demandé mon avis.
I wasn't asking for your opinion → Je ne te demandais pas ton avis.
in my opinion → à mon avis
in his opinion → à son avis
what's your opinion? → qu'est-ce vous en pensez?
to express one's opinion → exprimer son avis
if you want my opinion → si vous voulez mon avis
a difference of opinion (= disagreement) → une différence d'opinion
opinion is divided → les avis sont partagés
to seek a second opinion → demander un deuxième avis
a favourable opinion of sb/sth → une opinion favorable de qn/qch
to have a high opinion of sb/sth → avoir une haute opinion de qn/qch
to have a high opinion of o.s. → avoir une haute opinion de soi
to be of the opinion that ... → être d'avis que ...
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= belief, view)Meinung f(about, on zu), Ansicht f(about, on zu); (political, religious) → Anschauung f; in my opinionmeiner Meinung or Ansicht nach, meines Erachtens; in the opinion of the expertsnach Ansicht der Experten; to be of the opinion that …der Meinung or Ansicht sein, dass …; to express or put forward an opinionseine Meinung äußern or vorbringen; to ask somebody’s opinionjdn nach seiner Meinung fragen; it is a matter of opiniondas ist Ansichtssache; I have no opinion about it or on the matterdazu habe ich keine Meinung
no pl (= estimation)Meinung f; to have a good or high/low or poor opinion of somebody/somethingeine gute or hohe/keine gute or eine schlechte Meinung von jdm/etw haben; to form an opinion of somebody/somethingsich (dat)eine Meinung über jdn/etw bilden
(= professional advice)Gutachten nt; (esp Med) → Befund m; it is the opinion of the court that …das Gericht ist zu der Auffassung or Ansicht gekommen, dass …; to seek or get a second opinion (esp Med) → ein zweites Gutachten or einen zweiten Befund einholen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[əˈpɪnjən] n (belief, view) → opinione f, parere m
public opinion → opinione pubblica
in my opinion → secondo me, a mio avviso
in the opinion of those who know → secondo gli esperti
it's a matter of opinion → è discutibile or opinabile
what is your opinion of him? → tu che cosa pensi di lui?
to be of the opinion that ... → essere dell'opinione che..., ritenere che...
to ask sb's opinion → chiedere il parere di qn, consultare qn
to give one's opinion → dare il proprio parere
to form an opinion of sb/sth → farsi un'opinione di qn/qc
to have a high/poor opinion of sb → avere/non avere un'alta opinione di qn, stimare molto/poco qn
to have a high opinion of o.s. (pej) → avere un'alta opinione di sé, credersi chissà chi
to seek a second opinion (Med) → consultare un altro medico
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(əˈpinjən) noun
1. what a person thinks or believes. My opinions about education have changed.
2. a (professional) judgement, usually of a doctor, lawyer etc. He wanted a second opinion on his illness.
3. what one thinks of the worth or value of someone or something. I have a very high opinion of his work.
be of the opinion (that)
to think. He is of the opinion that nothing more can be done.
in my, your etc opinion
according to what I, you etc think. In my opinion, he's right.
a matter of opinion
something about which different people (may) have different opinions. Whether it is better to marry young or not is a matter of opinion.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


رَأيٌ názor mening Meinung γνώμη opinión mielipide opinion mišljenje opinione 意見 의견 mening mening opinia opinião мнение åsikt ความคิดเห็น fikir ý kiến 看法
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. opinión, juicio, parecer;
to have an ___opinar, hacer juicio, dar el parecer;
to be of the same ___estar de acuerdo, acordar.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n opinión f; second — segunda opinión
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
And may we not say that the mind of the one who knows has knowledge, and that the mind of the other, who opines only, has opinion
For my own part, I should doubtless have belonged to the latter class, had I received instruction from but one master, or had I never known the diversities of opinion that from time immemorial have prevailed among men of the greatest learning.
SOCRATES: But why, my dear Crito, should we care about the opinion of the many?
On this account, and because there are but few B-'s in the world, I would be as much ashamed of the world's good opinion as proud of your own.
But again: this class, together with that last one I have named, the miserable aristocracy spawned of a false republic, lift up their voices and exclaim 'Public opinion is all-sufficient to prevent such cruelty as you denounce.' Public opinion!
He distrusts his own judgment in such matters so much, that he is always unwilling to give his opinion on any picture; but he has an innate propriety and simplicity of taste, which in general direct him perfectly right."
Upon which great models he had principally formed himself; sometimes according with the opinion of the one, and sometimes with that of the other.
Socrates is of opinion that the more abstract or dialectical definition of figure is far better.
This capacity is found nowhere else, though it might be maintained that a statement or opinion was an exception to the rule.
And the first opinion which one forms of a prince, and of his understanding, is by observing the men he has around him; and when they are capable and faithful he may always be considered wise, because he has known how to recognize the capable and to keep them faithful.
I have carefully inquired into his character; I know as much, or more, about him than he knows about himself; and my opinion is, that we are to believe him.
His proposition is, "that whenever any two of the three branches of government shall concur in opinion, each by the voices of two thirds of their whole number, that a convention is necessary for altering the constitution, or CORRECTING BREACHES OF IT, a convention shall be called for the purpose."