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(ɔːk) or


(Animals) any of various whales, such as the killer and grampus
[C16: via Latin orca, perhaps from Greek orux whale]


(European Myth & Legend) one of an imaginary race of evil goblins, esp in the fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien
[probably from Italian orco man-eating giant]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The following conditions were considered for the analysis: (1) the system was assumed to operate in a steady-state condition, (2) the pressure drop and heat losses in the ORC components are negligible (3) the study considered two working fluids (a) R113 and (b) R141b, (4) the condenser inlet temperature and evaporator pressure were set at 298 K and 2.5 MPa, respectively while the isentropic efficiencies of the pump and turbine set at 85 and 90%, in that order (5) the evaporator heat input ([Q.sub.in]) is a hot-stream of gas obtained at 252 kW for all ORCs at operating conditions of 0.1 MPa and 573 K.
The survey of retail loss prevention employees found that 96% of responding companies had experienced ORC in the past year.
This is on top of the changing consumer preferences in certain product categories that ORC deals in, for which it is positively geared up to face challenges.
1 April 2016 - Merged Swedish electronic trading technology companies Orc Group Holding AB and CameronTec Intressenter Top Holding AB have taken on the named Itiviti Group Holding AB, the companies said.
A dedicated Market Structure Strategy team has already been established by Orc, which will advise clients on market trends and regulatory matters.
The new Orc gateway was developed in partnership with FEX and certified by the exchange during Q3, 2015.
But while ORC is going up, so is federal law enforcement support in the states that have ORC laws and where retailers have a presence, the survey found.
Orc has appointed Jesper Alfredsson as president Orc Americas, and Oscar Jonsson as vice president-Sales, Orc Americas.
Orc, a global leader in trading technology, today announced they have expanded coverage of the Canadian markets to include the Aequitas NEO Exchange, a newly launched Canadian stock market.
"Organized retail theft costs the retail industry over $30 billion a year, yet only 26 states have enacted ORC legislation," said Nancy Kyle, CEO of the New Hampshire Retail Association.