

vb (tr)
(Clothing & Fashion) to dress better than
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References in periodicals archive ?
Many of the usual suspects were present, like his Chinese angels, past, present and Best-Dressed ladies, all trying to outdress each other-I guess in preparation for the Philippine Cancer Society's Best Dressed Women of the Philippines, which Johnny is involved in.
'All I'm saying is, you don't always have to try to outdress me, that's all'
The mum of three said the 32-year-old former Girls Aloud star isn't in a position to make such a statement and shockingly claimed that her weight loss was linked to "the need to outdress Rita Ora or impress Simon Cowell who sees her as a disposable item".
And Kim's aunt, Karen Houghton, has revealed that Kim is set to rip off Wills 'n' Kate's royal wedding with her multi European city bash - with Kim even attempting to outdress the Duchess of Cambridge.
My mother used to say, "Everybody was trying to outdress each other!"
Like the recent "The Swenkas," docu offers the spectacle of hetero African men swaggering around in haute couture plumage, striving mightily to outdress each other.
In fact, in her company, we soon realised that the best way to combat the dragging British winter is not to try and escape it but to actually outdress it.