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Past tense of outgrow.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
When he outgrew her care her husband was appointed as his tutor and governor, so that he had never been separated from this excellent couple, who loved him as tenderly as they did their only daughter Zayda, and were warmly loved by him in return.
In his prose style, again, except in the talk of commonplace persons, he never outgrew, or wished to outgrow, a large measure of Elizabethan self-conscious elegance.
It is true that for a few years after leaving the cradle he had exhibited a certain immatureness, but as soon as he put on knickerbockers and began to go about a little he outgrew all that.
Not one whole or handsome one among them, all were outcasts till Beth took them in, for when her sisters outgrew these idols, they passed to her because Amy would have nothing old or ugly.
The company says: "In PCs, volume outgrew the market, which as a whole is experiencing a recovery, by over 13 points, and the group hit an all-time record PC market share of 24.9%...
[14] In a tertiary centre in Japan, 60% of children with hen's egg allergy at age 6 years were found to outgrow the allergy by age 12 years; the prognosis was more guarded in those with a past history of an anaphylactic reaction, in whom 44% outgrew the allergy by the age of 12 years.
Laura Rutherford's sixyear-old son Brody - who has autism and epilepsy - is not toilet-trained and outgrew regular infant nappies when he was four.
Jilly's Terrible Temper Tantrums and How She Outgrew Them is a children's picturebook by psychotherapist Martha Heineman Pieper, Ph.D.
I always gave ours to the school when they outgrew them for anyone who needed them.
AFAMILY run motorhome business that outgrew its premises more than eight years ago has bought land to allow it to grow.
Bob Pittman, the CEO of the company once known as Clear Channel and now known as iHeartMedia told Fox BusinessNews that the company"outgrew its name" and noted that advertisers are totally cool with the new corporate handle.
Notably, two of the children who outgrew their food allergy had a normal biopsy of the esophagus when they had the food allergy, he said.