
Related to outpower: undeterred, stirred up


vb (tr)
to have more power than or defeat by power
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The President, who had formally announced the termination of peace negotiations with communists, said the New People's Army (NPA) could not outpower government forces because they were outnumbered and lacking in machinery.
He likewise cautioned that unless there is a stronger central government that can outpower the separate state, it would worsen corruption potential and despotism.
Kuznetsova, the 2004 US Open and 2009 French Open title winner showed her desperation to outpower Bencic with deep serves, as she double-faulted on the hard surface six times.
Motor car/trailer/number of cars 14/2/16 Number of axles 64 Train weight 895.6 (t) Outpower (kw) 615*16 Voltage rating (v) 3000 Current rating (A) 230 Highest running speed (km/h) 380 Cursing speed (km/h) 350 TABLE 3: Railways line parameters and units.
But if jets are present, blasting away along the black hole's polar axis, they emit radio waves and other radiation that can outpower even the disk.--Monica Young
"We are not going to out-muscle or outpower teams, we play rugby and we work really hard for each other and play at tempo.
Mechanics, when an aviation ground power unit (AGPLI) is connected to an aircraft and powered up (with the outpower switch in the ON position), did you know the AGPU's electrical and hydraulic power can cause aircraft components or systems to activate inadvertently?
Maria Sharapova kept her poise to outwit and outpower diminutive Italian Sara Errani and win her first French Open with a 6-3 6-2 victory on Saturday.
There aren't enough wind turbines in the world to outpower humankind's appetite for energy, a study by University of Oregon researcher Richard York has found.
" We are confident that at any given time we can pass our way through any team and then on other occasions we can use our spirit and determination to outpower them.