

vb (tr)
literary to surpass in noise
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References in periodicals archive ?
Her newest release A Piece of the Sky has reached number one on the OutVoice charts.
WHEN THE BATTLE RECEDES When the defiant songs of battle no longer outvoice the trauma of the guns And the smoke of patriotic fervour clears to see the dead and the dying on the fields of human suffering Who, in this turbulent world has the overpowering right to make fathers sonless, sons fatherless and wives widows?
The union men outvoice us with a song that goes, "We are the union, the mighty, mighty union." We don't lay off with our chanting, but we are a little more subdued about it in the presence of these bruisers.
New and established acts are using digital delivery to connect directly with consumers, and homegrown resources like Danny Jenkins's OutVoice.net are helping fans help each other to find the best independent out artists.
With Outvoice.com, San Francisco writer Daniel Jenkins has done his part to change that.
Thankfully, the GLBT community has organizations like Outmusic and Web sites like Outvoice.com that are willing to support gay musicians with the same degree of respect that others in the community pay to GLBT literature and cinema.
You may not have heard of them all, but there are hundreds of openly gay recording artists out there--many of whom can be found at OutVoice.com.