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(Biology) one of the tubes that form an insect's ovary
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Only data from an ovariole of each weevil with the largest number of follicles were recorded.
Tissue was taken from the hind femur and testes or ovariole of each tree weta specimen and DNA isolated using a salting out method (Trewick and Morgan-Richards 2005).
javanus reproductive biology, ovariole number, egg development, and the potential fecundity, as well as how egg loads vary depending on the wasp female age and how they are affected by parameters such as the nutritional quality provided by the lepidopteran host (i.e., caterpillar instar).
Ovariole number, pheromones and genotype of honey bee strains are known to strongly influence the foraging behavior for nectar or for pollen (Siegel et al.
Trypan Blue staining revealed that, with the exception of several terminal follicles, most follicles in each ovariole of Day 6 female pupae were in the fluid-absorbing growth or vitellogenic phase (Fig.
Ovariole maturation of the cochineal insect Dactylopius coccus (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Dactylopiidae)
Variations of the ovary in surviving females were determined by the number of oocytes present per ovariole, and by the size of the basal oocyte, by means of a general linear model (GLM procedure) analysis.
Successive oocytes in an ovariole of the closely related cecropia moth (Hyalophora cecropia) mature more slowly and decline in size as depletion of two yoke proteins occurs (Telfer and Rutberg, 1960).
For individual mosquito the ovariole with highest number of dilatation was considered.
alni responds to this continually good food supply by showing traits more characteristic of herbaceous dwelling aphids than arboreal species (such as constant ovariole number from generation to generation and prolonged summer reproduction) (Gange 1985).
Atest of three hypotheses for ovariole number determination in the grasshopper Romalea microptera.