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(pə-drō′nē, -nā)
n. pl. pa·dro·nes (-nēz, -nāz) or pa·dro·ni (-nē)
1. An owner or manager, especially of an inn; a proprietor.
2. A person who exploitatively employs or finds work for immigrants, especially Italian immigrants.

[Italian, from Latin patrōnus, patron; see patron.]

pa·dro′nism n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -nes or -ni (-niː)
1. the owner or proprietor of an inn, esp in Italy
2. (Commerce) US an employer who completely controls his workers, esp a man who exploits Italian immigrants in the US
[C17: from Italian; see patron1]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(pəˈdroʊ ni, -neɪ)

n., pl. -nes, -ni (-nē).
1. a master; boss.
2. an employer, esp. of immigrant laborers.
3. an innkeeper.
[1660–70; < Italian; see patron]
pa•dro′nism (-nɪz əm) n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.padrone - an owner or proprietor of an inn in Italy
innkeeper, boniface, host - the owner or manager of an inn
2.padrone - an employer who exploits Italian immigrants in the U.S.
employer - a person or firm that employs workers
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
It was our signal, invariably heard by the ever-watchful Dominic, the PADRONE.
"If I were sole owner we'd shake hands on it now, my dear Dantes, and call it settled; but I have a partner, and you know the Italian proverb -- Chi ha compagno ha padrone --
'And behold him, padrone! I have found him consequentementally.'
By 1977, the Taviani Brothers had released their first major success, earning them the Palme D'Or Award; "Padre Padrone (Father and Master)", which told the true story of linguist Gavino Ledda, a Sardinian Shepherd's son who managed to escape his poor, brutal life through slowly educating himself from illiteracy, even despite the opposition from his violently abusive father.
Restaurateur Milan Nikolic, from Helensburgh, was on board, travelling to the wedding of Marko Curic, who manages his Padrone pizza restaurant.
Many productions that are now seen as classics once celebrated their premiere there, and many of them were awarded a Golden Palm -- among them "The Third Man" and "La Dolce Vita," as well as later masterpieces like "Padre Padrone," "Taxi Driver" and "Yol." German directors belonging to this exclusive club are Volker SchlE[micro]ndorff ("Tin Drum") and Wim Wenders ("Paris, Texas").
To meet this need, industry owners used a padrone system.
Without any knowledge of English or how to play an instrument, Rocco is forced to earn money for his boss, the padrone. Rocco eventually gets mixed up with a pickpocketing gang and is arrested.
They include director of photography Vittorio Storaro (Oscars for Apocalypse Now, Reds and The Last Emperor), editor Roberto Perpignani (Padre Padrone, Il Postino, Caesar Must Die), special effects designer Scott E.
Vila-Matas enumerates some eight things that they said about the story: (1) it recalls "Hills like White Elephants" and centers on the wife's desire to end her pregnancy; (2) it presents the cat as a surrogate object of desire--a child--for the sexually frustrated wife; (3) it portrays "the sordid atmosphere" of post-war Italy; (4) it "describes post-coital tedium"; (5) it portrays a wife rejecting her role as the short-haired androgyne; (6) it really concerns the wife's desire for the padrone; (7) it "demonstrates that men are incapable of reading ...
Although Yellin does focus on a number of Chadwick's twentieth-century pieces such as The Padrone, Tam O'Shanter, and Aphrodite, Faucett's ability to contextualize these works within the activities of Chadwick's life and the musical life of the U.S.
Talk and Slideshow "The Padrone System and the Wachusett Reservoir Project,'' noon Jan.