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 (pâr′ē-ən, păr′-)
1. Of or relating to the island of Páros or its inhabitants.
2. Of or being a type of white, semitranslucent marble quarried at Páros and highly valued in ancient times for making sculptures.
3. Of or being a fine white porcelain.
1. A native or inhabitant of Páros.
2. Parian marble.
3. Parian porcelain.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Mining & Quarrying) denoting or relating to a fine white marble mined in classical times in Paros
2. (Geological Science) denoting or relating to a fine white marble mined in classical times in Paros
3. (Ceramics) denoting or relating to a fine biscuit porcelain used mainly for statuary
4. (Placename) of or relating to Paros
5. (Peoples) a native or inhabitant of Paros
6. (Mining & Quarrying) Parian marble
7. (Geological Science) Parian marble
8. (Ceramics) Parian porcelain
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
A gloss shining beyond the purest brightness of Parian marble.
Her dress, which was that of the women of Epirus, consisted of a pair of white satin trousers, embroidered with pink roses, displaying feet so exquisitely formed and so delicately fair, that they might well have been taken for Parian marble, had not the eye been undeceived by their movements as they constantly shifted in and out of a pair of little slippers with upturned toes, beautifully ornamented with gold and pearls.
The house was the ordinary thing in New York, paved with Parian marble in the entrance hall and cobblestones above the first floor.
An area of about half a mile square presents a level surface of white clay or fuller's earth, perfectly spotless, resembling a great slab of Parian marble, or a sheet of dazzling snow.
There is at this time a Parian philosopher residing in Athens, of whom I have heard; and I came to hear of him in this way:--I came across a man who has spent a world of money on the Sophists, Callias, the son of Hipponicus, and knowing that he had sons, I asked him: 'Callias,' I said, 'if your two sons were foals or calves, there would be no difficulty in finding some one to put over them; we should hire a trainer of horses, or a farmer probably, who would improve and perfect them in their own proper virtue and excellence; but as they are human beings, whom are you thinking of placing over them?
I don't think the Parian Psyche Laurie gave lost any of its beauty because John put up the bracket it stood upon, that any upholsterer could have draped the plain muslin curtains more gracefully than Amy's artistic hand, or that any store-room was ever better provided with good wishes, merry words, and happy hopes than that in which Jo and her mother put away Meg's few boxes, barrels, and bundles, and I am morally certain that the spandy new kitchen never could have looked so cozy and neat if Hannah had not arranged every pot and pan a dozen times over, and laid the fire all ready for lighting the minute `Mis.
The snows of a New England winter had often supplied him with a species of marble as dazzingly white, at least, as the Parian or the Carrara, and if less durable, yet sufficiently so to correspond with any claims to permanent existence possessed by the boy's frozen statues.
A light, fanciful bamboo table stood in the middle of the room, where a Parian vase, wrought in the shape of a white lily, with its buds, stood, ever filled with flowers.
So again the Milesians, Herodotus tells us, were long troubled by civil discord, till they asked help from Paros, and the Parians sent ten commissioners who gave Miletus a new constitution.
3, seven people, including a two-year-old child and a female infant, were brought to a hospital after a van collided with a PNR train at the Parian crossing in Calamba, Laguna.
7 hurt in Laguna train mishap !-- -- Ed Amoroso (The Philippine Star) - September 4, 2019 - 12:00am LAGUNA, Philippines Seven persons were injured when a train hit a van in Barangay Parian, Calamba City before dawn yesterday.