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(Pharmacology) a stimulant used to treat fatigue, narcolepsy, and similar conditions
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([dagger]) In this analysis, stimulant medications include amphetamine, mixed amphetamine salts, dexmethylphenidate, dextroamphetamine, lisdexamfetamine, methamphetamine, methylphenidate, and pemoline.
Although the metabolic processes responsible for the breakdown of LVM are not entirely clear (Hess, Ritke, Broecker, Madea, & Musshoff, 2013), two of the predominant metabolites are pemoline and aminorex (Schedule IV and Schedule I stimulants, respectively).
The beneficial effects of stimulants like methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and pemoline on children with ADHD are proven in reducing the symptoms and improving the academic performance.
Stork and Cantor (1997) documented choreoathetosis secondary to Pemoline use [4].
Five pharmacological treatments were studied: methylphenidate, atomoxetine, pemoline, bupropion and lisdexamfetamine, with a treatment duration of 3 to 16 weeks (mean: 12 weeks).
Para-METHYLAMINOREX (4,4'-DMAR) - it is a synthetic stimulant designer drug related to 4-methylaminorex and pemoline. It is a new and potentially lethal designer drug;
(2) These drugs are normally prescribed to increase motivation, mood, energy and wakefulness, and include methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine, pemoline and modafinil.
In case you used Number of any substance prior substances to partial for better marked by preparation, consign participant which of these/those (n=51) coffee 72,55% cola 37,25% energy drinks 58,83% (Speed, V) cafiaspirina/ 41,18% cafiaspirina plus modafinil 31,37% methylpenidate 13,72% atomoxetine 0,00% pemoline 0,00% vitamines 37,25% others 5,88% 1 option 21,57% 2 options 31,38% 3 options 23,53% 4 options 13,72% 5 options 9,80% or more Note: Table made from bar graph.
A randomized controlled trial of pemoline for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in substance-abusing adolescents.
Doscher et al., "Fatigue therapy in multiple sclerosis: results of a double-blind, randomized, parallel trial of amantadine, pemoline, and placebo," Neurology, vol.
troglitazone, bromfenac, pemoline, tolcapone, trovafloxacin and benoxaprofen [4].