

having the capability to be petted
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The variety of animals here is astounding; prickly but irresistibly pettable echidnas, primitivelooking duck-billed platypus, wily snow-white cockatoos, and brazen kangaroos with a kick far more powerful than any kung-fu fighter, and a punch which could knock out a champion heavyweight.
Nancy Hehre, owner of Perfectly Pettable Party Animals & Pony Rides, is dedicated to providing an unforgettable birthday party experience for children.
Yet the paintings remain intimate and humbly, obstinately palpable (if no longer so pettable)--"not a night blown at a glassworks in Vienna / Or Venice," to quote Wallace Stevens, but simply this material, normally merely preliminary to painting, systematically arrayed, yet not refusing resemblance.
In the field it was no problem to see detail in moderate shadow and a rabbit about 100 yards away almost seemed to be pettable. There is no reason to deny kids the opportunity and there are also plenty of occasions when it would be nice to have a pair of binoculars but we aren't willing to risk the expensive ones.
From here, walking towards the village of East Dean, Maxwell would have loved the Seven Sisters Sheep Centre (pounds 3.50; 01323 423 302), an enjoyable place with lots of pettable animals for children.