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(Other Non-sporting Hobbies) a coin that is at least twice as thick as the normal version of that coin found in general currency, made esp as a collector's item or presentation piece
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As with other commemorative coins, it will be minted on gold, standard silver, silver piedfort and cupro-nickel bases.
By Maison Piedfort, SSC Atlantic Public Affairs--January-March 2019
The coin is available in Brilliant Uncirculated, Silver Proof and Silver Proof Piedfort finishes, with prices ranging from [pounds sterling]17 to [pounds sterling]155.
The UK PS5 Brilliant Uncirculated Coin costs PS13, the PS5 Silver Proof Coin is PS82.50 and the PS5 Silver Proof Piedfort Coin is PS155.
The silver proof piedfort coin is priced at $217, and the U.K.
"We do not think that the 2017 circulation PS1 coin will be a good investment - however, the collector coins such as the silver proof, silver proof piedfort and gold proof will be the ones to invest in."
The FLO examined the find, and once it had been identified by experts at Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery and the British Museum as a silver piedfort of Charles IV of France dating from the fourteenth century, correctly told her that because the object had a silver content of more than 10 per cent it was treasure under the 1996 Act, and that as the finder she was under a statutory duty to report the find to the Coroner within fourteen days, and advised her that failure to do so was an offence.
It's all things that are quite close to the people.' Talking about cop show Aspe, scriptwriter Paul Piedfort said: 'I think credibility and recognisability are important.
The silver piedfort marking Charles IV's ascension to the French throne in 1322 was discovered by Miss Harding 14 years ago as she worked in the garden with her mother.
The limited edition coin is available in gold, silver proof, brilliant uncirculated and silver piedfort.