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Related to plowland: ploughland
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Noun1.Plowland - arable land that is worked by plowing and sowing and raising cropsplowland - arable land that is worked by plowing and sowing and raising crops
fallow - cultivated land that is not seeded for one or more growing seasons
land, soil, ground - material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use); "the land had never been plowed"; "good agricultural soil"
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References in classic literature ?
All about the field, like heaps of manure on well-kept plowland, lay from ten to fifteen dead and wounded to each couple of acres.
When they left the Vicarage, they had begun an argument which swung their feet along so rhythmically in time with it that they covered the ground at over four miles an hour, and saw nothing of the hedgerows, the swelling plowland, or the mild blue sky.
SOME CRANES made their feeding grounds on some plowlands newly sown with wheat.
The precipitation of Hunan province has hit the hundred years' low.  And 10.64 million Mu plowland was damaged in varying degrees.
755), where as Gerald Else points out, we are given the genealogy of the ate that has struck the house of Labdacus, and to which Antigone refers in the opening lines of Sophocles' play: Laios transgressed Apollo's warning and begat Oedipus, the parricide, and "'he dared in sowing (dared to sow) the holy plowland of his mother, where he was nurtured: a bloody root ([TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]).' Out of this root, the womb of Iokaste which bore the blood-shedding brothers, has grown Sophokles' strange and poignant figure of 'the last root in Oidipus's house,' Antigone" (Else 17).
Moist plowland, and groves of elms and oaks, were back there somewhere along the endlessly parallel gleam of steel rails.
You can't lay out a fence line or shape a plowland or fell a tree or break a colt merely by observing general principles.
In northern England, eight oxgangs made a plowland. Both hides and plowlands were around 120 acres.
84 "Roger Plowland", "From the London Gazetteer, to the Fool", London Mag., or Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer, original ser., xxi (1752), pp.