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n. pl.1.(Zool.) The Anthozoa.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
It consists of a thin, straight, fleshy stem, with alternate rows of polypi on each side, and surrounding an elastic stony axis, varying in length from eight inches to two feet.
It was then ten in the morning; the rays of the sun struck the surface of the waves at rather an oblique angle, and at the touch of their light, decomposed by refraction as through a prism, flowers, rocks, plants, shells, and polypi were shaded at the edges by the seven solar colours.
If D'Artagnan had been a poet, it was a beautiful spectacle: the immense strand of a league or more, the sea covers at high tide, and which, at the reflux, appears gray and desolate, strewed with polypi and seaweed, with pebbles sparse and white, like bones in some vast old cemetery.
One could almost fancy they were sea-monsters like krakens or cuttlefish, writhing polypi who had crawled up from the sea to see the end of this tragedy, even as he, the villain and victim of it, the terrible man in the tall hat, had once crawled up from the sea.
Upon clinical examination bilateral nasal polypi were confirmed in all the subjects.
Benign polypi was found in 34(2.75%) cases and normal biopsies in 97(7.85%) cases.
As the Nasal polyposis is the commonest cause of nasal obstruction in mass lesions of nose, still more studies should be conducted with a focus on origin of polypi and nasal allergy.9
"Adenomatous Polypi of Large Intestine: Incidence and Distribution." Annals of Surgery 157: 223-6.
The most frequent tumour was leiomyoma followed by polypi. Most of uterine malignancy was in the form of endometrial carcinoma (adenocarcinoma).
Polypi and medusae, in countless numbers, spread their nets, catching the thoughtless radiati by tens of thousands, and the huge whale swallows, at one gulp, millions of minute, but living creatures.
would ultimately yield and be demolished by such an irresistible power." But then the imagination figures "another power, as an antagonist, [that] takes part in the contest." This opponent unites "the organic forces" of the little gelatinous bodies of polypi, whose "accumulated labour" suggests "myriads of architects at work night and day, month after month." Thanks to their tireless labor, more wonderful than that which has produced the Egyptian pyramids, the "low, insignificant coral-islets stand and are victorious" (485).
They should have only inferior turbinate hypertrophy and no other lesions, such as deviated nasal septum and/or nasal polypi.