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post-grad [ˌpəʊstˈgræd] n (British)étudiant(e) m/f de troisième cycle
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The placement team were very useful, not only for obtaining my placement and during it, but also for advice and a chat about postgrad life.'
She also teaches on modules across postgrad programmes and is studying for a PhD part-time.
It then happened that both I and the orchestral manager, Richard English (double bass) came to study at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire on the postgrad course, and we decided to keep the group going while we were here."
Bonding A new comedy follows a postgrad student who struggles to balance her studies with her part-time job as an S&M dominatrix so she recruits her gay pal to help.
I was a student in Dundee for four years and never had a bit of trouble but soon as I did my postgrad in Stirling 25 years ago you got hassle as soon as you went out as a group of guys.
'When her Ate Aika left for her postgrad studies and her Ate Trish started hospital duties, she assumed the roles they left behind-paying the household bills, doing the groceries, going to the bank, etc.
While predictably some have reacted badly to the decision, others leapt to the uni's defence, saying "safety was paramount" and that the matches had disrupted postgrad students trying to work on their dissertations.
Showing remarkable maturity, the then 21-year-old who was studying for a postgrad in Bangor took a snapshot of the city's history, its buildings and its characters.
On receiving the fellowship, Mr Lewis said: "I came to Cardiff and had one of the best years of my life doing a postgrad in broadcast journalism.
"Almost everyone who was president of 4Boston went into postgrad service," says Quinn, who graduated last May with majors in biology and theology.
Correlation of haemoglobin level with intestinal parasites in school children .J Postgrad Med Inst 2006; 20:232-5.

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