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of or related to a style of music that followed punk rockoccurring after or influenced by punk music
a follower or musician of the musical and cultural trend after punk
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On August 16,17 and 25, 2019 some of the biggest bands in the world will take to the stage including postpunk legends The Cure and arena-rock heroes Foo Fighters, so don't miss you chance to be part of the action.
First emerging in 2008 with their acclaimed debut LP, Beat Pyramid, These New Puritans were initially characterised by their jagged postpunk sound, echoing bands such as Wire and The Fall.
The album is a fantastic mix of indie and postpunk with a poetic edge to the lyrics that sets them apart from their peers.
Bennigans, Derry - tomorrow Invaderband - a sort of scrappy postpunk four piece who sing about alien takeovers - are just about the least Christmassy band in the country.
He begins by explaining the French fascination with Berlin and the spawning of the French postpunk scene.
Formed by future Spear Of Destiny leader Kirk Brandon, the postpunk band were formed in 1980 from the remnants of The Pack.
MELLT Fresh from winning Welsh Language Album Of The Year at this year's Eisteddfod, with their incredible coming-of-age debut, Mae'n Hawdd Pan Ti'n Ifanc, Mellt will bring their postpunk singalongs and vintage hooks to life at this year's Swn Festival.
ANGELIQUE KIDJO REMAIN IN LIGHT HHHHH TALKING Heads' 1980 classic Remain In Light was a vibrant collage of synths, postpunk vocals and most importantly African polyrhythms - so when Angelique Kidjo performed the album live in Carnegie Hall last year, the audacity made perfect sense.
The other evening, I stumbled into a delightful discussion about band names in the Songs From Under The Floorboards Facebook group, where someone had pointed out that the names of punk bands had been short, sharp and to the point - unlike the "colourful, strange and often a bit pretentious" names that followed in the postpunk days.
THE 1979 debut album from the Dunfermline group is an urgent postpunk pearl.
SKIDS Scared To Dance ....I THE 1979 debut album from the Dunfermline group is an urgent postpunk pearl.