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Related to praecipe: Writ of praecipe




1. (Law) a written request, addressed to a court, for a writ to be produced, specifying what the contents of the writ should be
2. (Law) a writ instructing that a given action be taken, or demanding a reason for failure to take the given action
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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20-0 In first sentence, "praecipe" is replaced with "a formal written demand" to make the rule easier to understand for pro se litigants.
Holt, Magna Carta 448,461 (1992) (Latin text and literal translation) ("The writ called praecipe shall not, in future, be issued to anyone in respect of any holding whereby a free man may lose his court.").
Intro abi ergo et, si isti est mulier, 255 eam iube cito domum transire, atque haec ei dice monstra praecipe, ut teneat consilia nostra quem ad modum exorsi sumus de gemina sorore.
Other nonsensical documents may be entitled "Affidavit of Specific Negative Averment" or "Non-Statutory Abatement: Notice of Default, Default Judgment, and Praecipe."
attorney stated that one of his duties was to issue a praecipe (an order
In his Commentaries on the Laws of England dealing with 'Private Wrongs' the celebrated eighteenth-century legal historian William Blackstone discusses writs which 'are either optional or peremptory; or, in the language of our law, a praecipe, or a si te fecerit securum?
file a "praecipe" (132) with the clerk of court, and the
These changes allow more reasonable, less rigid deadlines for filing a petition (or praecipe) for a final setting-of-fees hearing under subsection 508(c)(5).
Samples of Virginia's Praecipe Requesting Registration of Foreign Judgment and Affidavit of Name and Address to Register Foreign Judgment appear on the following page.
However, the clerk's docket shows that a praecipe, the precursor to the notice of appeal, was filed on July 16, and the notice of appeal was filed on July 31.
Is there a lawyer alive today who didn't at some time in law school hear the question, "Do you know what a praecipe is?" People who knew loved telling people who didn't.
Subdivision (b)(2) is amended to remove the archaic term "praecipe." Subdivision (c) is amended to incorporate language from rule 1.410, while separating the subdivision into two smaller subdivisions for ease of reading.